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As 0.5 version content has been around for some time, I'd like to learn more about your perception of new content and some changes, as well as what would you like the next development focus should be at. You can also let me know what you think in the comments below.



Tim Lin

Done. Thank you again for the great work.

Nathan Phoenix

Just started getting back into Strive Conq. Can't vote on the story work yet but I'm likeing the gameplay changes. Few issues. 1: Daisy's sexual story isn't triggering, did I miss something? 2: During sex, performing multiple continuing actions seems to remove girl's reaction quotes which is disappointing. 3: I have only seen the exotic trader once, need a way to encounter him more dependably.


We gonna change Daisy's story, but there should be no differences from before. Exotic trader should trigger on 7th day, then every 2 weeks, but there was a bug on earlier version when 2 timed events could overlap.

Nathan Phoenix

update because of a bug. Has anyone gotten the Shrines to work? When I offer wood to Freya (grown women shrine) or metal to the moon shrine I get a script error in the GoDot window and nothing happens.

Nathan Phoenix

Made it to the end of the story finally. My only complaint is when I had to wait for later to do part of a quest (waiting on Duncan, waiting on the princess for example.) The journal doesn't say what day or time the next part will happen. That makes me worry the quest is broken. Also if a quest pops up it should automatically turn off fast-forward and then pause time.