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  • Fixed occasional issues with item disassembling
  • Fixed fire depths giving crashes
  • Fixed slaves having only penalties


  • Transitioned to godot 3.2.4 (should fix some potential crashes and issues)
  • Added multiple new items, recipes, dungeons, repeatable quests, enemies
  • Added tattoo system (requires mansion upgrade)
  • Added item disassembling system (worker guild upgrade)
  • Added support for other languages and fixed some nodes using wrong fonts
  • Added gallery in main menu
  • Minor balance changes to some races, prices and items

This took a bit longer than originally anticipated, partly due to lengthy debug process. This update addresses some of the issues, adds more gameplay features but does not feature any new story content yet because of the planned length for the content update. Since some part of it was done at this time, the next update should happen sooner. Thank you for your patience and support.



You need to craft a tattoo ink at alchemy tab.

Tim Lin

Is there a post for supporter cheat codes? Or is it just the old codes?