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A quick update on the stuff in the works.

The GUI is being further reworked and updated. 

The new version should cut down lots of unnecessary actions as you can see. That's just main screen though, other parts will be reworked as well. The overall estimated time for the whole rework is somewhere on 3 months spot. It doesn't mean that GUI will be the only work done by that time. Next time I'll hopefully add more information on new gameplay changes. 

Another thing: we are getting more art done. 

Fighter's Guild

Some new dungeons illustrations

And an end of current events scene 

I'm sorry that I can't give you any dates for the next release yet, as what you are seeing is just a start. Thank you for your support and attention. 


Kevin Love

Ooh those some sexy art.


The art is amazing.


You’re doing great!


Looking great, really liked the new UI! Playing Strive 1 made me want to develop my own game, I'm glad to see that Strive 2 is finally looking better than the first.


I'll wait for the next release great job... great game :)

Frog Sort

Suggestion for a guild (or other faction): Bounty Hunters Guild. Their repeatable quest is to capture some bandit leader or other criminal, and they give you enough information about the bounty that you can decide whether you want to apprehend this person. Of course, once the quest is complete, you can either turn the captive in or keep her at your mansion for yourself. I think the ability to preview the "reward" and then pursue it will provide a nice gameplay loop. It's a bit disappointing to make it all the way through a dungeon only to find you don't want to keep the leader. Alternatively, for quests that end in a fight against a leader, it would be cool to see a preview of that leader.

Frog Sort

Alternatively, it would be cool if quests generally gave a preview of the boss at the end of a dungeon. For me, this is a much bigger part of the reward of a dungeon than the goods and faction points.