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Hello everyone. It's a good time to give some more insights and thoughts on our current activity, so here you go. 

Currently we are reformatting file structure in preparation for future mod system. I'm a bit sad we still can't offer enough to work with besides the base code. 

Besides that, we have a plans for massive UI overhaul which will be happening in next few months. The GUI should become easier to work with and better to look at. I'll be sure to post some screenshots and details as more things become clear.

As a side note, we are also adding a system to store and load your character preset to make things less tedious for those, who like to start often. 

That said, I plan to make a big break until next update and discuss some details about the overall direction. My next goal would most likely be a combat system which needs a serious balancing and variety updates. Enemies will be getting more tactical options, passive effects and so on. Exploration will have more events as well. 

On other hand, eventually I plan to switch back to more sandbox-ish mechanics. Namely, I want to make settlements more interactive and resources more spreaded, probably also adding task options at the settlements which would include triggering events and gathering said resources. Perhaps, maybe add some sort of upgrade system to those (and removing some of the resource upgrades from mansion). The main thing holding me back is the limited amount of locations/areas in the current game, but maybe after the combat update we will focus on it. Dungeons might serve not just exp farming options but allow gathering of rare limited resources on their completion. The biggest question is if there should be personal inventories, but so far I try to avoid it as much as possible. 

As for the story and new sidequests it's hard to say how soon there will be something new, but I hope the prologue has left a positive impression on you.
I'm still looking for writers btw (see discord announcements for details)

This is about all I wanted to say at this time. The next report will be focused on Displaced as I can finally take time to work on it while structure and gui are being redone. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for your support and see you next month!



Just a few random very crasy suggestions (taking ideas from The Guild, Patrician and Crusader Kings) - House farm/mine/camp attacked by bandits/another master - Mayor system for town (possibility to change tax, change enslaving laws etc ...) - [very tough] A competition against other masters - AoE system for fights (affects the 3 front squares, 1 front and 1 back ....) - Ambushes (both sides) giving initiative - Wars between countries/towns [decide to participate or not, win/loss/kill/capture]. - Seasons (for farming/combat effects) - Temperature (house needs to be warm in winter, you can't fight in a bikini) - Illnesses (reasons to use a lot more the alchemy) - Plotting/assasinations/kidnapping other masters familly (get new slave/influence for town council)

Sash Mayo

and consider a Female/Mistress as hero, as i would like to play my own sex to ;)


You mean for displaced? I'm sorry but that's hardly an option as the storyline is mostly complete so far, and it's not exactly a 'build your hero' game.


You really do great work my friend.

Scott S.

The framework looks good! I found a bug when fighting the slavers in a village. When the Combat Party screen pops up, rather than pulling from the Presented Characters, it seems to pull the last Combat Party you used, which can include characters who aren't even present.


spent the last two weeks playing strive sequel, displaced and strive. with the sequel I feel there is too many random jobs such as sadist and watchdog and a few abilites repeat between them all. the sex scenes doesn't really feel rewarding which after playing strive I figured out why the mana. usually with the sequel I already have cap affection with the slave so I really get no reward from it and the lust mechanic needs work since you can give exp/mana for your slaves lust but as the master your lust is best used to have a succubus which is already a high level class drain it out of you for bonus exp. I still haven't found out what sets the lust limit either. combat has too much of a curve in the sequel too being brutal when your out numbered but trival when your "overlevel" which I guess is because of the alpha stage since I would assume later it would be more complicated then spam arrow rain/decay since you need a mage to heal after the battle. also with the sequel the debt is too annoying granted I was able to reach the goals until they hit you with the entire loan but it was literally draining all my gold which I couldn't afford to improve my gear or mansion very easy if at all. the stats need to be overalled too by dropping growth/tame/timid stats to 1 normal slaves can have higher stats then the main character and although obedience is annoying to manage if you focus everything on a slave then they love you in three days although psychology is difficult to predict maybe make steps such as making them fear you to a certain point then you can flatter them. I noticed there is already a limit but generally if your skilled enough a few skills is all it takes to break one in. Displace seemed too simple for me tbh. it might be better to improve the food drops from killing things and make it so the workers are the only ones who can get materials since I was able to farm most things on my own since I was concerned about spending too many days waiting for a goblin to farm wood but food was always in a demand also the sex scenes were more annoying then feeling like I accomplished anything since it was thrown on me after a few days also made me laugh finding a game over by refusing Ember. I like Ember but her face makes me think she is an airhead or always surprised which I'm not sure if that's intentional or not and unlike rose and erika she doesn't really get bonus stats so it's hard to build her in any meanful way since she has lower stats then arron and can use the same equipment but with utility and the leveling system kinda is bad I would rather they keep their stats or they improve with levels but have the skills they gain as they level be random also random side note building rose like arron makes her hit way harder since the best magic resist is also best armor and rose is just as bad since evasion gives her hit chance soo she had like 105 evasion while arron and ember get nickel and dimed to death the back row could out tank them. replaying strive after beating it years ago has been interesting and I'm kinda hopeful that you would have things like Cali and Maple where there are many different outcomes and it's possible to miss if you don't know what your doing. also I wonder if it would be better to work for upgrade points instead of random items in the sequal because while needing to hit dungeons for exp and free slaves it was annoying to look for spiders for silk took me an ingame week to farm enough only to have to hunt down obsidian in the shops so maybe make it so you can convert resources to points. also slight bug of mining for stone make it always in the task bar without anyone working on it. that being said I really do appreciate your work and would rank you in the top 5 game creators on the internet and I find it funny that it all started with twine and a story of a guy inheriting a pimp magic ring from his uncle. I had to cancel my pledge this month but I'm hoping to renew it if my money gets straight next month or the month after


Thanks for your report. To address some of it: Yes, some classes are not supposed to be very demanded or maybe even meaningful. The idea is to experiment and discover. Building obedience is quite easy currently, but that will likely change. There will be more uses for lust eventually, but currently it's a bit weak. Lust is capped by sex factor. The combat will be overhauled, but I've already explained that. The loan is there to force you progress the story, as it prevents events from occurring, but perhaps it could use some adjustments. Displaced will be even simpler and similar to classic jrpgs, focusing on the story. Thanks for the input and I hope you'll have it better with your monetary situation :)

Scott S.

There doesn't seem to be any way to dispel shackles? I accidentally cast them on someone and can't seem to end the spell. The description says it may wear off due to magic resistance, but I can't figure out how to manually end it.

Scott S.

The framework here is pretty solid, with few apparent bugs. Even in this Alpha stage, building up your mansion, crew, and production are interesting. I was a little bit disappointed that the second tier Alchemy upgrade didn't have aging and youth potions, but it is really early in development.

Scott S.

I found a bug with Minorus/Majorus potions. When you try to use them on someone else, the text and options display like they're targeting the MC, but he effects will apply to the targeted character. You also can't cancel out of it.

Scott S.

Another bug! When searching a village, the Exotic Slave Trader event only has the "Leave" option. You can't buy or do anything else.


You should be able to buy slaves from them by rightclicking on their portraits and selecting 'hire' like in markets.

Scott S.

Demons don't seem to get tail actions like other races with tails do.

Scott S.

AI Assassins can use Assassinate on their first turn, which makes them much more dangerous than any other enemy, particularly against casters. My Assassin has to Hide for a turn first, it seems maybe they should have to as well? The only way to counter it seems to be to go heavy on Speed classes and try to hit them first, but first turn Assassinate still seems pretty overpowered.