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This is more of a transition version, which is not quite a demo, but not really an alpha. Most of the mechanics has been completed and polished, and some of the introduction story added, but otherwise there's little content and if you're waiting for more story, it's better to hold up for some more releases. I also haven't been working on a number of features  I plan to add (like unique bonuses for starting slaves and guilds) and mod system isn't live yet. 

A few important notes:
1. Right mouse button now closes upper window
2. Travelling is done from mansion screen 'Travels' button
3. Some elements are now drag and drop, usually hinted by mouse cursor changing to hand.



  • Added tutorial entry for leveling
  • Added item selection when completing non-material turn in quests
  • Added spider enemies to goblin caves
  • Added 2 new drugs to alchemy level 3 and slightly improved sex drug
  • Added Dagger and Hunting Knife items
  • Guild quests now start at 1 quest per guild
  • Guild quests and slaves update every 7 days
  • Added dynamic gold reward for items quests
  • All guild quests are now accessed from main city menu
  • Tools no longer have ATK stat
  • Added Tool slot
  • Corrected character portrait resolution at slave panel
  • Revamped Submissive trait and added Dominant trait, also added categorization for some actions to be clarified as dom/sub actions
  • Old submissive effect now is called 'Doormat' 
  • Subdue is made easier (now only requires same physics factor as victim)
  • Fixed protect skill crashing the game
  • Fixed some recruit events softlocking player when your character pool is full
  • Fixed quests not generating static gear rewards
  • Fixed crits having normal damage
  • Fixed a bug causing caster to drop in stats instead of target when submission was maxed before loyalty
  • Fixed abuse skill not working
  • Fixed some items not crafting properly
  • Fixed charm effect breaking the game on reload
  • Fixed characters recalled to mansion still being in location group


  • Fixed some more combat skill related bugs, including: Distract, Wind Attack
  • Fixed exploration skills usage
  • Fixed Druid class not being unlockable for Tribal Elves
  • Added console logging (at appdata/roaming)


  • Added mod menu and support
  • Fixed combat and skill usage


  • Added bonus items and reputation when joining a guild
  • Fixed material reward quests not working correctly
  • Fixed some screen transition bugs
  • Fixed Right Click functionality ignoring active event
  • Fixed Sexuals not calculating properly (therefore some classes can be properly unlocked now)
  • Fixed combat defeat and Resurrection bugs.
  • Slave list should correctly update after sex and class unlock


  • Added F hotkey functionality to sex interactions
  • Fixed multiple event and exploration related crashes


  • Fixed servants dialogue having no exit
  • Fixed default start not working correctly
  • Fixed interaction menu not working 


  • Added daily autosave
  • Added starting presets
  • Added option to set a master noun for slaves
  • Revamped main slave list
  • Added category search to crafting panel
  • Crafting panel now lists recipes in alphabetic order
  • Added consent factor to the sex system
  • Added sexual skills
  • Added some lore events and sequences
  • Revamped exploration screen
  • Small Sized trait collection task penalty reduced from 25% to 15%
  • Fixed Engineer class not having building bonus
  • Character hiring is now done in character tab
  • Fixed inventory item search not working correctly
  • Hopefully fixed the issue with window displacement on startup and added alt+enter hotkey to switch full screen mode
  • Sell item and slave price changed to 1/2 from 1/3
  • Rebalanced most items and some recipes costs
  • Daisy event is now available from Day 2
  • Fixed skill 'Protect' causing soft lock
  • Fixed sometimes a quest generating with bugged reward
  • Fixed staff using wrong colors for handle/knub


Little Oni

After some quick testing, there seems to be quite some serious issues: As soon as I try to initiate sex, I get SCRIPT ERROR: startsequence: Invalid get index 'trigger' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/interactionpanel.gd:761 No character shows up to select any action, upon selecting anything I get a blank window, it closes and the act is over. As I try to initiate Daisy's event, I click on "Check the streets". I get SCRIPT ERROR: interactive_message: Invalid get index 'events' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:897 Nothing happens. No event is initiated. When I try to meet service workers' leader, I get to have a normal conversation until I try to leave. Upon clicking "That's all" I get SCRIPT ERROR: interactive_message: Invalid get index 'servants_introduction1' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:844 And nothing happens. Right clicking or pressing escape does nothing. I have no way to leave the event. That's all I have found so far, I hope it helps to squash them bugs.


When and how are you meant to get the starting character if you start with the default start? And are they random or should you be able to create them like the 3 in the sandbox start?


in the win64 version is nobody and nothing chooseable in the sex menu, you can just stop and game will countinue


when I talked to the servant leader I could not leave the conversation

Little Oni

First report after the fix: I got to pass one day and got: ERROR: Reference to a Thread object object was lost while the thread is still running... At: core/bind/core_bind.cpp:2535 Immediately followed by the mother of all memory leaks. I proceeded like normal, clicked on "Check the streets" which caused another freeze and after some seconds the same message I got before the fix. The event didn't start. Upon trying to close the game, it froze again. All of the freezes could be explained by a runaway thread. I don't know what caused it. EDIT: Upon restarting the game, freezing issues are gone. I initiate the event, and get a blank screen and: SCRIPT ERROR: interactive_message: Invalid get index 'events' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:897 The window cannot be closed. Restarting again to test for threads going haywire in order to isolate the cause. EDIT 2: The message about threads getting lost pops every time a day passes, but it only caused isuses the first time. I'll assume it just found whatever it had to load the first time and won't leak again? After passing a day, I can try to initate the event again, and will get the error message and the event won't start. No window will open. Another issue is with the right click to close a window: it doesn't close a window caused by social interaction, but will close anything behind it. EDIT 3: Upon traveling to the village, I search lawfully. I encounter a recruiting event. If I click "recruit", I get SCRIPT ERROR: recruit: Invalid get index 'travel_time' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/InteractiveMessage.gd:219 And nothing happens. Closing works normally


Im getting the same SCRIPT ERROR: interactive_message: Invalid get index 'events' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:897 when trying to initiate "Check the streets". This happens when restarting the game, loading a save and trying check the streets first thing I do. If I dont do that and continue playing normaly, I dont get a freeze, instead I get a brief fade to black, followed by no event starting. Then if I got talk to a guild representative, Daisys portait appears on the left side. If I try to initiate the event multiple times, Daisys portrait appears on the left side multiple times.I think the later bug happens if I talk to any guild representative first, then try to initiate "Check the streets". I also cannot do any quests, as traveling to a quest does not properly load my characters, they are at the site of a quest battle (tried both rebels and Wild Wolves), but when I go to the actual battle screen, nobody is there, and nothing can be assigned. SCRIPT ERROR: open_location: Invalid get index of type 'String' At: res://src/Exploration.gd:903 I can get out by going back to mansion and reassigning the characters elsewhere, but the quests are undoable.


Going through the first dungeon, I kept encountering the Bandit boss multiple times. I think the dungeon was supposed to end when you defeat them but I just kept getting a new encounter with a bandit boss untill I ran out of resources and had to bail. Returning to the mansion, the next time I used a social skill, I got the usual social skill prompts, but as I closed the window I got what I assume is a prisoner event of some kind, based on the picture and "Elf" on the left side of the screen, but nothing else, just a blank event. Im not sure which of the errors is the problem, but there are a fair few that reference SCRIPT_ERROR: character_boss_defeated: invalid get index 'races' . At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1362. Im guessing that this is the one that went wrong as it references defeating a boss, Ill post the whole thing as a reply to this.


SCRIPT ERROR: open_location: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/Exploration.gd:903 ERROR: emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'pressed': 'Panel(Exploration.gd)::return_character': Method not found. At: core/object.cpp:1236 SCRIPT ERROR: character_boss_defeat: Invalid get index 'races' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1362 SCRIPT ERROR: character_boss_defeat: Invalid get index 'races' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1362 SCRIPT ERROR: character_boss_defeat: Invalid get index 'races' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1362 SCRIPT ERROR: character_boss_defeat: Invalid get index 'races' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1362 SCRIPT ERROR: character_boss_defeat: Invalid get index 'races' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1362 SCRIPT ERROR: make_local_recruit: Invalid get index 'races' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/gamestate.gd:586 SCRIPT ERROR: update_scene_characters: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_s hort_name' in base 'Nil'. At: res://src/InteractiveMessage.gd:149 SCRIPT ERROR: open: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'translate' in base 'Nil'. At: res://src/InteractiveMessage.gd:64


Win64 ver0.1.2 After travelling to a fighter guild "trouble solving" location, no characters are at location and the location picture looks like a dungeon. No interaction with location is possible SCRIPT ERROR: open_location: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/Exploration.gd:903 The check strreets buttom is green (perhaps to indicate the event is available?). After clicking on the button, a blank event screen appears. No interaction is possible and the game is frozen, SCRIPT ERROR: interactive_message: Invalid get index 'events' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:897


I will say I think you've made the right call focusing on systems, the core framework of the game feels really solid.


Is there a way to level up that I'm not seeing? My character has 453/100 xp


Do i upload custom profile pics also in %AppData\Roaming\Strive for Power 2% ?

Little Oni

Working with 0.1.2: Previous issues appear fixed. Sometimes an error will pop up while attempting to search a village, but clicking again initiates the search anyway, so no problem there. I seem to be unable to get Succubus or Sexual Pet jobs because I don't meet the proficiency threshold. According to the UI, I have 130, yet the class won't unlock. EDIT: Once I lose a fight, the combat interface is busted: enemies from previous battles overlap with the ones I'm currently fighting and hte hp/mp total is a mess: it appears overlapped on random numbers. EDIT 2: Restarting the game to fix the bugged UI works. Next weird stuff happens, and I don't know the exact conditions to replicate it: If I heal up and go into combat again, I can't take any action (and I lost again). Quit out, restart, continue. A lot of message errors pop up: At: res://src/effects_pool.gd:23 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.has_status: Invalid get index 'template' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:2042 SCRIPT ERROR: get_effect_by_id: Invalid get index 'eid1624889870' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/effects_pool.gd:23 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.has_status: Invalid get index 'template' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:2042 SCRIPT ERROR: get_effect_by_id: Invalid get index 'eid3612869441' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/effects_pool.gd:23 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.has_status: Invalid get index 'template' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:2042 SCRIPT ERROR: get_effect_by_id: Invalid get index 'eid4074168624' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/effects_pool.gd:23 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.has_status: Invalid get index 'template' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:2042 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.hp_set: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'update_hp' in base 'String'. At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:1366 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.mp_set: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'update_mana' in base 'String'. At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:1376 SCRIPT ERROR: get_effect_by_id: Invalid get index 'eid4090635587' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/effects_pool.gd:23 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.has_status: Invalid get index 'template' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:2042 SCRIPT ERROR: get_effect_by_id: Invalid get index 'eid4090635587' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/effects_pool.gd:23 SCRIPT ERROR: Slave.has_status: Invalid get index 'template' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/CharacterClass.gd:2042 There's about 30 of those. Entering combat again will lead to being unable to act. Passing time triggers the cascade of messages and takes a lot of time, but it seems to work okayish (Hp and Mp refill instantly, but everything else seems to work fine). The state is permanent and persists through quitting and restarting.


Couple bugs Ive ran into, resurection in combat doesnt work, targeting someone whos dead does nothing. There is a green outline and the cursor changes to indicate a valid target, but left clicking does nothing. Not sure if it is related, but the next battle after trying to resurect a fallen character spawned with one YBANDIT_ASSASSIN (these guys 1 shot one of my chars in the last battle, which was the reason for needing a resurrect), the fight just says victory at the top and I can do nothing. SCRIPT ERROR: GetTweenNode: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'has_node' in base 'previously freed instance'. At: res://files/input_handler.gd:231 SCRIPT ERROR: hp_update: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_node' in base 'previously freed instance'. At: res://src/CombatAnimations.gd:259 SCRIPT ERROR: start_animation: Invalid type in built-in function 'max'. Cannot convert argument 2 from Nil to float. At: res://src/CombatAnimations.gd:89 This is on a new game started with 0.1.2, to minimize the chances that any bugs might be because of a save incompatibility or any other weird interaction with former version data


I can confirm that it seems like none of the classes with a Sex Proficiency requirement can unlock right now.


Another thing to add to the bug list specifically for 1.3 (as I'm pretty sure it was working in 1.2) is that you don't seem to get proficiency from using skills anymore (neither charm from social skills or wits from spells). There's also a strange bug where sometimes it'll display your mansion capacity as x/Null, where it will also wipe out all the descriptions of your skills.


Thanks for the report. It seems there's been a mistake on latest update as we partly started making mod system transfer. Hopefully we will sort it out in a day or two


Tested 1.4, I do seem to get proficiency for using skills again. Obviously going to wait for more fixes before going more extensive, still getting things like Null maximum mansion occupancy and no skill descriptions.


Do you have anything in the console? What actions can cause this?


Don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but at the beginning when visiting the guilds, I have been unable to leave after talking to the leader.


0.1.4: Tribal Elf (free recruit) does not seem to unlock Druid.


Hi is the mod folder still at \\AppData\Roaming\Strive for Power 2\mods\[MODNAME]\[-> root folder structure]? Inside the mod folder is the games folder architecture for files i want replaced right?


It's this path, but architecture is a bit different. We will be adding an example project later


One thing that would be quite useful: handing someone a tool only for it to be used as a tool, while still having a weapon for adventuring. Otherwise, swapping back and forth would mean a lot of micromanaging.


So I know you note combat doesn't work in 1.4 but would specific reports as to how it doesn't work help at all?


we are currently working on a set of bugs, it would be probably better to wait until we push it out.


Have the links to 0.1.5 been updated? I downloaded the Win64 version 5 minutes ago and it says 0.1.4, theres also an error in the console as soon as the game starts? ERROR: make_dir_recursive: Method/Function Failed, returning: err At: core/os/dir_access.cpp:179


0.1.5 Bugs: If you go into the mansion, choose one slave, toggle social skills to combat skills, go to another slave, then toggle combat to social skills, you will notice that both are now set to default combat skills in the social menu. Do the same again to fix symptom temporarily. In the list with "current works in progress" on the left side while in the mansion, Cooking Alcohol shows Alcohol count at 0, no matter how much you have in inventory.

Guus van der Borg

When I start a new game I can't actually change the options. As in, I can't uncheck futa or furries or check turn based combat.


0.1.6: Trying to load a game from 0.1.5, and that goes fine. However, it seems all slaves (and master) appears with a black collar in the new 'Tools' slot, that can't be removed, can't be swapped out and blocks crafting, gathering and upgrading. Help?


Yes, sorry for not mentioning it. 1.6 Is not really compatible with previous versions.


0.1.6: some positives: please keep/expand the post battle commentary. its nice flavor when the babes have little things to say, plus the level up prompt is a nice touch. it seems like enemies resist/are weak to certain elements which is great fun, you might want to vary it each time, so that the player has to 'learn' the rules of the dungeon each time. hope everything is going well for you, my friend.


Thank you! I'm aware of travel bug. The next update will be featuring more plot and story. The combat resists will vary based on enemies but there's not a great deal of them yet.


I would like to offer some unsolicited thoughts on political simulations and voting in games. StriveII has: city administration, guilds, secret factions, you the player lets talk about city administration: >evil mayor, tax collector, law enforcement, city watch >>evil mayor will vote against the highest perceived vote total that does not exceed 6 >>tax collector will try to poison the guilds against you so they help in your eviction when you cannot pay the 1millionsheckles. The tax collector does not vote. >>law enforcement is dredging up your families crimes from your former city-state but can be turned to your cause. Brief mention of other land owners as factions >other houses/land owners: selective breeding, scheming vampires, ascendant, old imperials voting: caucaus delegation has been my favorite form of voting since I played “star-chamber”. A delegate must be at the voting house for the vote* A delegate may have greater influence than “1” but can only vote on a single issue there cannot be fighting at the voting forum* but many ambushes are attempted at chokepoints on the way to the forum. How many delegates w how much influence is public information* what categories the delegates are voting for is private until all the votes are simultaneously revealed. There were three voting categories in “star-chamber”: I. gain rare currency A; II. Gain currency B; III. Gain peacekeepers (battle pieces/fighters) limited, but the system had real replayability. Also, voting to give yourself money might be how it works in real life, but that's not thematic enough for a game. I think if we could combine this voting system with the rich choices of the one and only “king of dragon pass” we would wind up with an optimal political simulation. See example below: THE PREVIOUS CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD HAS VOTE ON WHO THE NEW CAPTAIN SHOULD BE: 1.  Nominate a child of your own house. Having the captaincy under your banner means nfluence and access to certain events, if you have a good headgirl (wit min + charm min) AND have already bribed some other factions delegates, you might even win 2.  Say nothing until all candidates are chosen. Basically stalling and forcing shadow nominations to show their votes. If there is a tie your vote will become crucial. (Gain shrewd voter tag) 3.  Support early. Get double the relationship points for this faction 4.  Support early. might be the warriors guild, if so they will take great and long lasting offense if you vote for any other faction. 5.  Support whoever the wealthiest faction supports. This will result in gold but no relationship points. 6.  Wait, then throw support to whoever seems poised to win. Limits relationship gain BUT the gain will automatically be with new captain of the guard. (Gain shrewd voter tag) 7. Vote for the best candidate you will vote for the best candidate (figher class +str) regardless of consequences gain relationship with ascendent house.


That's nice, but I'm not really aiming to create realistic political simulator lol. I already have plans on how the plot will progress regarding the goverment and factions. It will be fairly linear as there will be other places to explore and visit, as main city is only a fraction of game's world.


is there a way of pictures and / or animations for the fight and sex interactions?


You can technically do anything, but you'd have to elaborate on your idea.


no i mean most of the portraits and body images r missing and for pictures and / or animations in sex intercourse would be cool


You are kinda expected to use 3rd party image pack. It's not very realistic to provide this number of images for the game.