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This time I'll briefly go into details of the upcoming sex system update. I was wondering if it would make more sense to call it a revamp or rework, but update will probably be better. I'm not changing sex system entirely, but it will get fairly different from what it is now. 

Originally, the latest system was introduced as very flexible constructor of your own experience, compared to rather repetitive scene selection. This approach to me seems more fitting to the whole game, so we are sticking with it. However, as that system was overly influenced by different game, it was implemented sort of blindly. Now, though, I get a better picture of what I want to see, what should stay and what should go.

Firstly, the GUI is getting reworked. I found the indicators not being very useful and managing actors and receivers being not very indicative. The GUI will be reflecting more on the new approach to sex scenes. Instead of the value indicators (pleasure, stress, lube, etc) we are going for the 'states', associated with current condition (slightly similar to the 'mood' value). New states are going to include 'resists', 'tied', 'subdued', 'crazed' and so on. Let's talk on details.

As you might guess from these states, 'abuse' mode is now gone, and forced sex is being reworked entirely. The mechanic is going to work such way: resistant slaves (including those, how haven't gave you any consent) can be easily interacted with, but initially they will, well, resist. To prevent it they will have to be subdued by you or another character (or multiple characters if you wish so). When combined strength of subduing characters overweights resistant character, your actions will be executed. However, subduing characters will only be able to act on resistant person. Alternatively, after subduing, you can use rope to tie them up, preventing their resistance without the need for subduing, but the rope will be consumed. Resistance will make slave suffer a penalty from having actions performed on them, but that also can be altered with some patience. 

As for the rest of interactions, I plan to adjust the values and responses to certain actions. Another idea I have on my mind, but not entirely sure if I should dedicate myself to it: sex dialogues. So, here comes the poll. The dialogues will be randomly generated according to situation the slave is in. They will be mostly single lined and shared among most slaves, but will still require an intelligent filter to suit the situation. Will generally go like "No, please stop..." or "Yes, Master! Do it harder!". In case we add them, there will be an option to turn them off. Anyway, if majority would like to see it, I will also work on it (although it might come a bit later). 


Kevin Love

Yeah man (or other.. Who knows? Not me for sure :P). Go for it :) Lost way too many hours to this game already. Keep them lost hours cumming (see what I did there? :P)

Kharnos Strayder

Oh yeah, now we are getting to the real fun stuff. A big Hell yeah vote from me.


Looking forward to where this goes and for what other updates may come in the future. Keep up the good work!


I can see the potential of having the basic system and allowing mods to add in new lines


How about instead this, you add a system where the slave requests certain actions? F.e. "please kiss me" or "please touch [insert bodypart here]". Failing to meet the request would not do anything (for the players who dont want that) and suceeding would give you a bonus in mana or trust or whatever.


Letting slave lead is kinda this system already, except there's no bonus reward. I think those options would conflict.


Quick Question: Where't the best place to leave general feedback? I ask because there's an unrelated, well not an issue, just something that doesn't make sense from a gameplay perspective that I'd like to mention.


Itch.io forums sections are fairly reasonable, but you can do it here too.


I have to say that I am bit sad to see you don't plan to evolve the sex system in some way. For me it always felt more placeholderish, than a mature part of the game. Don't get me wrong, system works and is pretty neat, but at the same time feels rather barebones after a while of seeing almost the same scenario all the time. Character traits have rather minimal effect on the scene, a little bit of flavor text and that's it. What I would like to see this system evolve into would be something like this. Each session should be more of a single scene, rather than a set of disconnected actions. So you can start by picking up some set of initial actions, then go further based on your previous choice and so on and so forth. Each step should be sufficiently well described. Single-liners are no-go. Scene content should reflect character traits in a more dimension than "touched flat/perky/enormous tit". I feel each of "the same" scenes should actually have a little bit different content and direction, depending just on character traits and compatibility/incompatibility with each other. Then the progress of the scene. It should be done in steps. Each scene should be sort of a node, that would allow progression towards another one or building up on current action. It should feel you actually progress towards something. It would also allow to describe scenes much more specifically, depending on previous choices. You could use some overall score there, to keep track of general "feel" of the session, and simple logic for checking previous action or two. Then have that strongly influence current scene. I feel that it would make sex much more immersive than it currently is. Honestly, to me it gets boring very very quickly and I just quickly click through it to get mana, most of the time. And then another thing. I am a huge fan of NPC-specific scenes. These really feel much more alive and less mechanical. That doesn't mean there is no room to grow here. I would love to see some repeatable scenes that have some unique choices based on the NPC you are with. This could also be expanded to specific races/traits to have normal sex more interesting and diverse, too. So you could have hand-crafted scenes for NPCs, where player still has some control over what is happening. Throw at it some art, maybe simple animation and it becomes incredible experience.


I understand what you are saying, and originally the scenes were directed somewhat like this, but, thats tremendously difficult (if even possible) to write and plan the system in the way you are describing it, while keeping all the flexibility the game already has. This is partly the reason I'm trying to stick only to prewritten scenes in displaced, and construct-like scenes here.


Thanks, I'll take a look at the forums in the future. For now, I just wanted to point out that the way you acquire Domination spell seems a bit incongruous with the spell's flavor. I mean, its a spell that literally forces obedience or breaks the targets mind. Can hardly be more "Dark Side" than that, yet the only way to get the spell is completing Chloe's quest-line in the nicest way possible. Just seems off. It'd be like if there were a spell called "Ultimate healing of niceness" and the only way to get it was sacrifice a baby. Feels inconsistent in tone, is all I'm saying.


Perhaps, but this has been this way for a rather long time to change it now, and game never really played into pure black&white morality to make it inadequate to the tone.


Fair enough, I suppose. Just wanted to point it out.


It certainly would be an incredible amount of work. These are just honest thoughts about what would be nice, without any real consideration for difficulty. Similar system is implemented in Corruption of Champions and TiTS. There are some multi-step scenes, where you have some measure of control of how it progresses. With you deciding in the beginning what kind of scene it is going to be in the first place. Scenes are VERY text-heavy and have a good feel of what kind of characters are interacting. Changes depending on character traits vary, but some scenes can be very different for two different player characters. Obviously, they have it way easier because their system isn't as generic as yours. Only the player is variable. The partner is, mostly, predefined. Still, it was at least a part of inspiration for points I mentioned above. Edit: The other inspiration was system like Neverwinter Nights had for dialogues. Single dialogue could be a vast tree of connected nodes, and your decisions during dialogue would take you through it, sometimes backtracking, sometimes going forward and such. Some options would become blocked or available depending on how you directed the dialogue. Your stats and traits also had a huge impact. It was pretty cool system, but creating realistic, sensible and complex dialogue could be, as you said, very tricky and difficult.


The main problem with it, as you mentioned, the characters in those games are actually prescribed with established personalities. It won't be nearly on the same level with random generation characters.


Thanks for the reply. Yea it dawned on me when I read your main post a second time.


I personally enjoy what you do, however I'd like a system for being dominated too. I'm all for games where your slave turns the tables on you, such as if your slave is low obedience/loyalty, if you try to fuck them to much against their will they turn around and rape you instead, or where you work a high loyalty/low obedience slave into a frenzy by teasing them too much, and then they flip you over and fuck you into submission.