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Fair warning, I have no idea how new mod system will perform on MacOS, so make sure to report any issues. Small guide on Mod system can be found in the mod menu help section or at https://strive4power.wikia.com/wiki/Modding_Guide



  • Added illustration for Ayda's scene
  • Fixed some more inconsistancies with game modding
  • Fixed backup always triggering on game launch
  • <AddTo> syntax now properly starts with 0 line instead of 1
  • Variables for starting slave and player beauty added
  • Starting slave and player will show correct beauty during creation


  • Fixed max stat abuse on char creation
  • Fixed player character menu causing an error
  • Fixed some misstypes


  • Fixed some issues with player generation
  • Fixed relations issue with slaves sharing your bed


  • Fixed ending issue
  • Reversed some of main menu changes


  • Added sidequest for Ayda after main quest completion
  • Added 8 new daily events tied to relations
  • Added new mod support system
  • Removed constants from main menu (to prevent possible issues with user mods)
  • Slaves will change their sex according to their genetalia
  • Slave relations with each other are now synched
  • Fixed not getting item rewards on people rescue
  • Fixed inventory sorting issue
  • Some fixes to the main menu



i am happy i was wrong :)


just completed a game from and old save and it locked up on the epilogue screen with this errors SCRIPT ERROR: combatant.health_set: Invalid get index 'rect_global_position' (on base: 'previously freed instance'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:558 ERROR: interpolate_property: Condition ' !ObjectDB::instance_validate(p_object) ' is true. returned: false At: scene/animation/tween.cpp:1011 SCRIPT ERROR: combatant.health_set: Invalid get index 'rect_global_position' (on base: 'previously freed instance'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:558 ERROR: interpolate_property: Condition ' !ObjectDB::instance_validate(p_object) ' is true. returned: false At: scene/animation/tween.cpp:1011 SCRIPT ERROR: GDScript::reload: Compile Error: Identifier not found: textnode At: res://files/scripts/ending.gd:450 ERROR: reload: Method/Function Failed, returning: ERR_COMPILATION_FAILED At: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:598 SCRIPT ERROR: startending: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'launch' in base 'Control'. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gd:268


Can we find a sample mod somewhere or a guide how to start modding? Simply load the game in gogot? Also is there a mod directory or a place to post mods? And as always thank you for your hard work :)


The basic modding guide is at the link at top of post. You can post your mods at itch.io, but I'm considering other options.


we can activate a mod more than once, well there is no real issue with it just wanted to point it out


You can, if there's multiple folders, otherwise every time you activate it, it should reload from backup first.


Great improvements! I like that slave sex changes based on genetalia now works, however there is no way to remove female genitals to make a slave male when once female. Could this be added to the laboratory?


Looks like there's no way (with this version at least) to use any mods on MacOS. There's no way to access the mod folder directly.


Actually, you can already do this - but you have to add a dick first. The limitation seems to be "you have to have something after the operation".


Win 64: I had a bug with player suddenly not visible when using inventory. What had actually happened was that in the savefile, under "player", the following variable had been set: "away":{"at":"lab","duration":2} Changing duration back to "0" removed the bug. No idea if this was a random bug or actually a problem. It has not happened again.


cant you change the modfolder ingame ? setting it to your likeing ? i dont own a macos, just assumeing it would have the same features as the win version

Kharnos Strayder

So, did you put the constants somewhere else or is there another way to alter them now?


Win64: During character creation, if you switch between multiple races, for example between demons and humans, the game does not seem to properly clear values from previous selections. If I first pick human, then demon and then back to human, and then go into customization, the Human character will not only have demon customization options (tail, wings, horns) but the description will also reflect your demonic characteristics while still stating in the race section that you are human. This bug seems to also apply to your starting servants customization.


where can i go download some mods?

Scott S.

0.5.18 Mac: A few issues with character creation. First, I started a Human, and it only gave me 16 total stat potential points, which I'm pretty sure is 2 points less than it used to be. After I hit Confirm, I clicked back on Gender and Age and it gave me 2 extra points for 18 total. I noticed I could do this repeatedly to jack up my stat potential even more. Second, the Virgin checkmark was grayed out and there was no way to unclick it. Third, you used to be able to have the game generate new names for your starting servant by clicking on a different age or race. Now selecting a new age doesn't change the name, and selecting a new race only changes the last name. Maybe you could add a randomize name option?

Adam Tropf

Hey I'm getting a bug with the ending hanging on it's first lines of "Wimborn remained prosperous..." I'm not sure if this being caused by me using an old save file, me tampering a bit in the game's code (I only removed one line which was the remove person line in the events for the ending... hey don't judge me for being greedy), or it's a bug from the new update. Anyway here's the error that the game is giving me: SCRIPT ERROR: GDScript::reload: Compile Error: Identifier not found: textnode At: res://files/scripts/ending.gd:450 ERROR: reload: Method/Function Failed, returning: ERR_COMPILATION_FAILED At: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:598 SCRIPT ERROR: startending: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'launch' in base 'Control'. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gd:268 Let me know what I should do or I should just start a new save and start all over... again.


You can still alter constants with variables.gd file located in scripts, just edit it in any text editor.


Since its only been released, there's barely any mods exist yet.


The Alise on day end option when set to 'only after event' doesn't change anything, only 'never' causes her to not show up. On event where you return a slave back to town, It does not show the money value change in the 'log' but I do see it increase on the bar. Also, do you have a discord or other place where it might be faster to post bugs and discussion?


Also, Issue with inventory appearing blank, until I type a character in the search filter, and delete it. Ver .18a Oh it might be an issue with one of the filter buttons getting pressed, when I had not clicked on it. Like potions. Strange.


ver 5.18a (I think. The game is marked 5.18, but it is the most recent download.) Win64 After completing a fight in the Underground Hall, the following error occurs. At least one piece of loot is still generated however. SCRIPT ERROR: generaterandomloot: Invalid get index 'number' (on base: 'float'). At: res://files/scripts/exploration.gd:649


For 0.5.18d the portrait and full body image aren't compatible anymore.


If you put a full body image the assigned portrait will be removed, and if you put a portrait the full body image will be removed.


How do I find Ayda in sandbox mode? (version 5.18d).


"-Variables for starting slave and player beauty added -Starting slave and player will show correct beauty during creation" Are you sure you uploaded 5.18d to the current link (win64)? I'm not seeing any change in the starting beauty score. It is still 40 for both the MC and start slave, and there appears to be no variation.


There were an issue where during the generation player and slave could have different beauty shown but end up with 40. Now you can set default beauty in variables.gd, hence "variables added'.


Not sure if it would work better or not, but it might work better to have mods be subfolders in a basic mod folder inside the actual game folder just for easier access (where you might have a page in the options menu that lets you choose what available mods, from those subfolders, are active which updates when you start the game with various mods available rather than needing to get into the appdata stuff


I have been considering that, but it might cause issues for some users, and I'm not sure if it would work on mac at all. Game's folder might be set to read only or may differ for users, and general guideline for such cases is to use user:// path instead of files://.