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Hello everyone! I tend not to make progress updates to often, since I usually spare my time to push more actual releases and features, but when I do, it's mostly if new release won't be happening too soon. 

So, let me tell you about some upcoming features, which will make it to the next release. 

More daily events, mostly focusing on new relationship mechanics and expansion on them. Basically, my idea is to make slaves have broader relationship with each other to make their management more interesting. 

Ayda receive a small sidequest and becomes recruitable (assuming she survives the finale) with a new unique personalized trait. 

The initial mod system finally being implemented. There's no GUI for actual modding, but it will support multiple user mods and should be fairly convenient for end users with simple toggle function. The base system will overwrite existing data or apply it to existing scripts. At this point this will allow easier mod management and usage. Further expansion will be considered after initial reaction. 

Lastly, I have planned a brand new, end game area with new enemies, items and a small narration to it. However, I might not be able to start it, given the amount of lengthy implementations for this period. It might take a week or two until the mod system will be implemented and polished. 

If you have any related or unrelated questions, don't hesitate to ask them below. And thank you for the attention!



Mod system is a fantastic idea! What language is the script/game using? I'd love to be able to start learning how to write it so that I can start working on some mods, I have some neat ideas I'm looking forward to testing. Thanks for all your hard work on this. Love the direction you are going and thanks for implementing the ideas I had last week in regards to the portraits/body images as well as adding the learning points to the cheat menu. That has significantly improved my experience playing!


It uses godot engine and gdscript (somewhat similar to python). The game is basically open source, so you should be able to edit scripts as is right now :)


I'd like to start modifying the sex descriptions. Diving deeper into changes between positions and also altering how the game describes certain parts and acts. I'd also like to look into adding the ability for the sex acts to call into affect relation between the partners, as in sister, daughter, mother etc... It's going to be interesting to use how each slave feels about eachother in the same context, have context aware phrases that come from whether or not they like eachother.


Quick and interesting question, been playing the game for a month or two now, and still can't seem to find out when I can start using the nursery I'd bought around day 30. The last attempt ended with the guild taking the child, and unfortunately I'd had no idea I couldn't raise kids without a guild rank, and there's no info in the wiki about it.


To use the nursery, you need 2 things. First, you need it built (sounds like you have that). Second, you need 500 gold on hand at the time of birth (to cover the mages guild speeding up the growth of the newborn). Just smile and nod and ignore the complete lack of logic about how you need to build a nursery when you're -sending them away- for growth enhancement. A tip since it sounds like you're new: Keep the cost in mind when breeding; low tier slaves will net you a loss in most cases if you're trying to be a breeder (i.e. just selling the newborn once available), although it can still be useful to pass on traits/cosmetic stuff.


For mod system how will overrides work? Would we need to define the entire file? I made some changes a while back that would be interesting to extract out so I wouldn't lose it on every update (although I think most of it wouldn't be required anymore since you fixed everything)


No, the plan is that you'll only have to provide new data and maybe some details on how it should be used.


mav iam tossing my ideas in again, could you maybe add a nursery occupation, that way you could set base trait transfer to maybe 15+rand_range (1,5)+slave.wit/10+slave.level+(possible trait), the value 15 would be the one in the variables, so we could simply readjust it if we want. i dont know about other people but i think the current starting slave "strength" etiquete is pretty much outvalued, maybe change it to flat learning points or to an agility benefitting one


How realistic would adding in an option to change the displayed name of a slave's species be? Mostly wondering since later generations tend to have a large amount of inherited cosmetic stuff, and well, if an 'elf' has animal ears, feathery wings, and a tail, it's time to stop calling it an elf. They'd need to keep a reference to the 'official' race stored for attribute max's, but being able to change the displayed race could be interesting (e.g. if you have a fairy with full demon characteristics, you may want to call it an imp). Have not looked at the code, my guess is feasibility depends on if <race> is is a function that calls on a variable, or a straight variable call. This is obviously purely cosmetic, if it's easy to do great, if it would be time consuming, forget I even suggested it. </race>


Making a procedure that changes race would (probably) be easy. Big but easy. One would need a list of the specifics for each race, then check each one. The moment one matches, update race name and perk. If nothing matches exactly, just exit with no changes. The question is when to run it. Put it in as a 'stabilize race' option in the lab where all minor details gets filled in to fit the new status quo? Have it as a procedure that always gets checked after a physical change? I don't know. Handling 'stats are now above max' should probably be done by reducing NATURAL UNENHANCED stats to new race max, and freeing those points so they can be placed somewhere else. It's kind of important to go over things so that there are no exploitable glitches that can be abused by repeatedly changing race back and forth.