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I've found some new ways to implement the usable GUI for mod making. Given there's not entirely much other work, I want to ask people, who are willing to mod the game, but not willing to get through raw code, which aspects of the game you would want to mod (including adding new parts)?

If demand is high, I'll focus on making it possible to mod that specific part, eventually introducing more and more options, but obviously this might be a bit slow go. Current game is not quite adjusted to being modded easily. 

One note though, sex scenes are probably the hardest to give easy access to mod to, as its whole system is quite messy at this point. Its very unlikely they will be the first thing to get into editor. 



Would be interested in messing around with descriptions (assuming that by that you mean adding in additional description stats as well), races/traits/etc, and the slaver. Random events could be fun as well. Are you planning on making it so mods are separate files that are dropped into a mod folder (and thus can be shared fairly easily if the modder desires)?


I would love to be able to edit music to the game. To make it feel like a classic RPG, but that's me would love to see that though lol

King of Kings

Okay, so as a part-time modder looking over the list of aspects maybe a few you should remove from that list for a short while as they may be too complex for this iteration of the game. Things like Races, Traits, Enemies and the like are a very time-consuming process that if any of the code for the generation changes in the future then that mod is obsolete because the code doesn't match which will break game. Other things like Spells, Items and Abilities are prone to changes, but the balancing of said things gets tough because it could push the game to unplayable states when the player becomes too overpowered or an opponent becomes unassailable because they have gear and skills that makes them also too overpowered. For these aspects should be held off till a more constant and stable generation is implemented and the chances of it being changed in the near future is quite low because it is a good system and all but the most stubborn bug-free. Everything else seems to be a good starting point because their complexity ranges with the amount of work the modder wants to put in and the volume of in-game details you can provide them with (Meaning the volume of things they can add/change/remove/modify provided in the base game). Of course this is just my opinion of things from working on modding a lot of games of many genres and not a community opinion. I only ever speak for myself and I appreciate you taking the time to read this, but in the end the game is yours and any decision you take with it I'll accept.


Might try modding breeding system in if it is not yet implanted.


I would love to tinker with the descriptions. It would be great to add a weight description to the slaves!


I would love to try and expand the world with new areas, possibly work in a mechanic where you can travel large distance over days.


This is going to be more of giving access to existing databases which shouldn't really change much further as the time goes.


Basic api will be focusing on editing databases in first place. To introduce new systems you will probably have to get into raw code.


I would love see an expand on things that related to slave generation. At the moment, I feel like apart from the mix look that newborn slave has inherited from their parent. I don't see anything else that make this newborn slave special. I would love to see a more update and detail on the relative trees/detail. For example, like who is children of who and sibling of who (like step sister/brother...); and eventually have a long list of relative. Of course, if the slave is no longer in your possession, then it'll be remove.


easy accsess without rewriting .gd files every update ? my body is ready ! well that being said i would assume you have to rework your race and trait files. currently seraphs and wolfs "racial" are in combat.gd, while those others are mainly in jobs&specs.gd (exp. tanuki, bunny, neireid) besides harpy. i assume having everything contained within a "race file" would be befeficial, but this woudl result in far more work on your side. well cant wait on your solution.


As I said in previous comment, baseline would be allowing easy access to databases. Function access might or might not follow with lots of adjustments. Thankfully, there's not that much stuff which would need a rewrite (like racial traits), but some parts are really hard to give proper edition to.


A way to do drag and drop in the servant roster would be great. I don't know if that is doable or not.


the benefits about mods beside the content is the fixes. i bet you someone out their will fix your sex problem


The code is already fairly opensoure-ish so anyone willing to get into it can already do it with just a text editor.


Imo it really depends on the level of modding skill. I'm fine looking in the code as well since I'm a programmer. That doesn't mean I wouldn't use a good GUI though. I think mod tools should help YOU develop faster first and foremost.


Perhaps, but im too amateur to be able to write something decent enough on this level at first try.


More options for customizing the player character. You used to be able to glitch the game to play as a futa loli, but alas, the option has been lost. Even if I have to play as a "really hundreds of years old" type of character, I'd like to add that option and others like it to the game.


if you want to enable it again, simply edit file mainmenu.gd in files\scripts, line 441 to "for i in ['adult','teen','child']:" (no quotation marks)for a editor i would recommend something similar to notepad++ /edit with the latest update its line 442


Just wanted to ask - is there any way to disable music/sound in game? I've set music volume to 0, still I can hear the music. Thank you in advance!


Weird, will check it out. You should be able to disable it in sound mixer (if using windows) at least.