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I hope most people are pleased with the released ending options. With that out of the way, we are finally moving back to gameplay content and balance tweaks. 

Next release gonna feature some combat changes (armor being more effective) and I plan to introduce random enchantment system. It's still in speculation on how common enchanted items will be and how you will acquire them, but in either case I hope to spice up combat and exploration bits with it. Enchanting from player side is not quite planned yet. 

Basically, I've been considering between random item drops and player made items, but decided to start with former, as it would benefit to the gameplay more, being a random element, and not just another thing to grind with huge amount of cash (which hopefully will be adressed soon as well). 

Oh yeah, we are not going to stop at just weapon and armor enchantments, as costumes and underwear might be enchanted as well, although with different bonuses.

As for art, we might add first bunch of scene illustrations in next release, but I also have plans to sort out the game's resolution issue after that. Basically we plan to scrap fully customizable resolution with adapting panels in favor of 1360x768 native setting which would up and downscale for users and allow us to work on the better fitting GUI. 

Thank you for your attention. 



Thank you for keeping us informed as always ^·^

Shaun Holmes

Sounds good Mav. Do you have plans to add more items, clothes and weapons in. Plus I noticed that the actual Races could be tweaked as 2 races have no traits and some are a bit on lacking side. As far as Gui I would love for lewdness stats panel in mind read and a way to actually increase it as it pretty random and guess work at min, ie to increase lewdness you could have them have sex outside wear no underware. also in latest build I managed to get full piercings for cali but rest I cant unlock is the code still bugging mav.


I love your game, from the artwork to the mechanics. I do have a suggestion on crafting, though. Just have the slaves do it. Set a minimum Strength, Agility, and Wit requirement and assign a slave to a workshop, then tell him/her what to make, how many, and if you want to sell the items.


how do you beat Yris's challenge? Just love this game bugs and all


You visit Ayda for it. I've found nothing wrong with your save regarding her, so not really sure. Hopefully with next release it will fix itself.


Do you intend to add footjobs to the new sex system?


lol sorry for being a pain. just redownloaded the game and all is well


Thanks for all the hard work! Looking forward to the new enhancements!