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Minor disclaimer: Exploration system is still a major subject to rebalancement. Next update I will be going through the combat system too (adding enemy skills and such). Feedback regarding difficulty, personal thoughts and new sprites is highly appreciated. 

Link is at the usual place:  


  • Fixed guild slave issues
  • Fixed Deep Area not being turned off properly
  • Fixed some multiple input errors causing weird results in certain cases
  • Fixed Yris sprite not appearing in generic sex scenes

  • Trapper capture chance is 50% now
  • Sedation can now only be used on each slave once per day
  • Fixed slaves not being rebellious after capturing and not receiving 'uncivilized' trait
  • Fixed combat bug related to escapes
  • Fixed couple of area related bugs
  • Fixed some wimborn bugs

  • Fixed bunch of quest related issues tied to the old areas

  • Fixed couple of bugs

New exploration mechanic: Deeper Areas.

  • While in Deeper Area ecountered NPCs have 70% chance to have higher grade
  • Deeper Area enemies have 25% boost to awareness, 25% boost to power and 50% boost to health
  • Deeper Area enemies have 25% increased loot drop and 20% increased XP reward
  • Deeper Area will have 20-60% more enemies per group

Combat Changes

  • Exhausted or stressed slaves wont automatically return to mansion
  • Exhausted slaves deal only 2/3 of their damage
  • Energy cost of Escape reduced to 10
  • Escape attempts by enemies no longer mandatory and now depend on their grade (higher grade - higher chance)

Exploration changes: 

  • Added new usable items and option to rest while exploring
  • Added backpack and removed fast return to mansion: you need usable items or walk to nearby town for this now.
  • Capturing slaves now require a rope

Other changes and fixes

  • New sprite and naked version for Alise
  • New NPC sprites
  • Teleport stones can now only be purchased in their respective towns (except for Umbra)
  • Added default portrait restoration to characters with new sprites
  • Fixed levelup item request ignoring item presence
  • Fixed inability to repeat slaver guild audience 
  • Fixed relatives panel
  • Fixed oblivion potion effect
  • Minor improvements to mansion upgrade system



Getting several bugs on character creation, I can't actually apply initial stat potential and you can't change the race on your starting slave, they just stay human no matter what you do. On the OSX version if that matters. EDIT: I don't seem to be able to set a battle party, which makes exploration rather tricky.


What do you mean by not able to set battle party? I'll hotfix main menu bug in a moment.


Will we get a teleport spell later on?


Might be a good idea, but for now its just teleport seals.


Might have found another, Cali's slaver camp doesn't seem to be appearing in the Wimborn Outskirts.


Minor issue, but I can't seem to be able to return to the non Deep Area while exploring. Hitting the "Return to the central region" option just puts me back in the Deep Area again, and then moving to other zones is showing them as the Deep Areas as well.


I know I was able to go back from Wimborn Outskirts Deep by going to the Prairies but yeah I think Deep Areas are slightly buggy.


Leaving Gorn is a bit screwed up. Looking like you start off in the deep area, and finishing that allows you to return to the central area (actually outskirts deep area), go to the deep area, and go to gorn outskirts. Might want to take a look at that. EDIT: Does not happen every time, possibly connected to being in a deep area previously Also issues with seeing a 'lone' traveler (when its actually multiple), description for that is messed up as well. Lot of new combat issues as well, combat seems to 'freeze up' and not accept input for a few turns, only allowing autocombat. EDIT: only happens with certain types of enemies Uncivilized trait is never generated Not a bug, but the trapper specialization is mostly useless now.


So some balance feedback: I actually think balance is pretty solid right now for the most part. The thing to watch for if you're going to buff enemies is the bandits/thugs, now that you can't just jump into the woods and fight wolves they're the 'accessible' fight but they're some of the harder early enemy groups in general.


ver 5.1.2 Win 64. Game started in 5.1.2. Combat resolution hangs up after assigning actions and clicking 'Confirm'. Combat resolution will continue after clicking 'Confirm' another time but the combat turn has already been counted on the first click so fatique is accummulated for each click. Even quick fights become pretty fatiquing. The following error message appears in the log window. SCRIPT ERROR: resolution: Invalid get index 'orgin' (on base: 'Reference ()'). At: res: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:801


Trapper being useless is due to bug preventing slaves escape I believe. Anyway, all that should be fixed in 5.1.3.


Question, I entered a deeper area of the forest and when I select "return to central region" which I assume leaves the deep area it does nothing, I'm in Gorn [Deep Area] At the moment. I seem to be stuck in deep areas without an option to leave them. (Fresh start 5.1.2) I love the new system though, much more challenging/engaging.


Read thru all the tutorial stuff even have rope bought. If i go to inventory before leaving mansion and hit use item on rope and go explore i cant seem to catch anyone i defeat just rape, kill or leave are highlighted options wont let me capture at all. Would like to note the issue is with this current update 5.1.3


You have to move rope to your group inventory (hotkey - V) before leaving the mansion. I guess I should remove 'use' button from ropes and such.


One final thing. Not sure if its intentional or not but iI'm occasionally seeing $race$child or $race$monster. I'm guessing its either a place holder for something else later or i missed mark for text somewhere in the code. Ok i Lied two things, the other things is im seeing this error a lot lately: "ERROR: HashMap<class variant="">: :next: Condition ' !e ' is true. returned: 0 At: c:\projects\godot-builds\godot\core\hash_map.h:507. This is only showing up in the what im guessing is a command prompt based window </class>


If you can figure out what action leads to this error occurance, that might help a lot.


ver 5.1.3 win 64. Leaving the Wimborn slave guild takes you to Gorn. The next time you return to the Wimborn slave guild it displays the Gorn slave for sale and the Gorn custom requests. Maple still greet you however. On leaving and returning to Mansion from Gorn a second time the Wimborn slave market resets properly. No error message in log file.


I've noticed that sex scenes with Yris back in the mansion aren't showing her sprites. The other slaves with sprites still show, though.


ver 5.1.4 win 64 Got this error when saving game. The game was saved and the save loads fine. No apparrent issues with the loaded save. ERROR: Disconnecting nonexistent signal 'pressed', slot: 1481:savefile At: core\object.cpp:1426


ver 5.1.4 win 64 1. MC is accumulating stress that doesn't decrease with rest. His stress is now 150. It seems to have no effect, however. 2. When encountering thug bulling a person, after combat when the defeated thugs and the captive are shown, as soon as action is taken with the first bandit in the list, the label on the captive turns to bandit. Also freeing the captive doesn't seem to increase reputation anymore, but perhaps that's intended.


In, Maple's sprite isn't showing up in the Slaver's Guild.


Capturing bandits/slavers still reduces rep, not sure if this is intended or not, you've never said either way (that I've seen)

Shaun Holmes

Mav latest patch when you use rope on bully events you go to use rope and it will auto rope the saved person, even if you click on bandit. Must say game was great before, but now it amazing. Noticed you listen and made game better, especially the problem with getting rare monsters and the cheat system for manor upgrades. Well worth coming back off a break and seeing this great game.

Shaun Holmes

Mav you done everything I had a problem with and you did it your own way and made game better. Maybe add a feture where you can custom build your character at start with horns and wings, ect. Sprite wise would love to see more of the magic guild and quest for them so we can get unlock naked scenes


not sure if anyone reported this yet but ran into a bug. one of my slave return from foraging with a captive but i couldn't jail them.


Use the button in the bottom right corner.


did the mountain from Gorn area get taken off? unless i somehow couldnt find the path that leads to it


Looks like a minor bug, will fix it next update, thank you!

Kharnos Strayder

gotta add, I purchased some ropes and have them in my inventory but cannot capture any defeated foes, the capture is greyed out saying I need a rope, when I got 20 of them


You have to move it into your backpack at combat group panel.