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Alright, time to gather new portion of questions which I will be answering on next week. If you have anything you wish me to talk about, post it right into the link or in the comments below. 


Secondly, before we finally begin to tie up main story, I want to spend next update on polishing stuff. There has been a couple of things I've postponed for quite some time due to their nature, but now is a good time to put them in line. You'll hear more about it once I get to working on them, but you can expect some considerable changes in gameplay in terms of resources, items and some services. I also will be working on some GUI optimizations, so if you have suggestions on this part, feel free to drop them here.



I think some of the icons in the slave list could be used for notifications. For example, the Stats icon could turn green when the slave has a new skill point, the inspect icon could turn color based on the slave's obedience, the Regulation based on energy, the Actions based on energy, and the sexuals icon based on lust. This would remove need for some of the icons to the right of the slave list.


I needed 2 pages X_x

Shaun Holmes

How about updating monsters, as you adding areas but monsters are still contained, maybe in future add cyclops, Wizards/witches, mouse ect. Farm stress, we got tarus (Cows) even if they good for milking, 3 days and mental breakdown a pain, why i don't use farm for food or money as it not worth the hassle, Maybe add a Chicken race that lays eggs and cows produce milk without stress by having farm hands milk them and the reputation system just needs a little update to be more informative. Game looking great though Mav, remember early versions and this 100 times better already with new layout, sprites and updates you done. Great work.


I generally don't use farms (not my kink), but I know in older versions (maybe back as far as the html ones) stress and stats didn't matter for farm slaves, it was purely body based. As for chickens, you may have forgotten about harpies (I blame Sebastian and his phobia of mountain ridge slaves).