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 You can grab it by the same link as in previous post:


Let me know of any potential bugs you come across. 


  • Added sprite for Sebastian
  • When asking for more sex slaves will not take vaginal penetration if they are virgin
  • If Mother is humanoid (elf, demon, etc) and father is a beastkin, child will become halfkin of father's race (previously they would be assigned to mother's race) 
  • Spiking Emily only needs 1 aphrodisiac instead of 2+ now
  • Aphrodisiac can be purhased from Wimborn's market
  • Slime, Nereid and Scylla can produce fluid substance on sex
  • Message log won't show removal of non-existent traits
  • Deterrent potion will remove Sex-Crazed trait
  • Beauty potion will remove Scarred trait
  • Lack of 'attention' won't grow for slaves sleeping in your bed (useful for Clingy trait)
  • Added Entrancement effect check onto sex punishments when trying to apply Masochist trait
  • Sex-crazed and Submissive slaves won't complain when you unlock their sex without consent 
  • Sleep spell won't change slave's occupation and will restore all energy on use


  • New areas and main story progress
  • New Emily sprite
  • New combat spell: Acid spit
  • New enemy icons
  • Added new utility spell: Invigorate (restores your and target's energy)
  • Added new option to combat: automatically attack last enemy if no action selected
  • Avoiding combat now consumes player's energy
  • Avoiding combat now takes less energy depending on character's endurance and agility, but can't be less than 1
  • Most enemy awareness increased (harder to avoid fights)
  • Speed rebalance: initial character speed reduced by 4, many enemies got slight buff to speed
  • While in combat, every turn will increase group's stress by 3
  • Fixed exploration progress bar not correctly showing your progress after first time
  • Fixed cook not buying food on end day



Just because I'm curious, why is there a new Emily sprite? I've been away for a while so perhaps I missed something.


Basically, the leading artist have changed so she's more in fit with rest of style.


isnt alise costume unlocked via patreon-code only ? or we could just rename the body...


You probably could, but I haven't got to the file encoding yet. Maybe I'll add some other protection I can come up with though.


Does the lab enhancement "improved senses" help in any way when hunting? I wouldn't expect it for foraging... but would make sense for hunters.


Also, what's the base success for taming uncivilized slaves? been leaving a tamer in rest for weeks and having a mix of uncivilized in different positions and so far... nothing at all...


Thanks for the report.


There seems to be a minor bug or oversight, when you're given the quest to go to Amberguard if you choose to try and visit the female mage again the text reads something like "I shouldn't visit Melissa if I haven't done what needs to be done in Gorn". And that's exactly the quest you just finished.


Are we going to see Entrancement come back in later? That was an incredibly helpful spell for developing kinks.


Is there anyway to change a slave's race like there used to be in the first game with the grove and dryad's?


Possible glitch, remember this happening before. After renaming a slave when you're in the combat/exploration screens and he/she spots an enemy due to level or enhanced senses the event reads her original names, as in "OriginalSlaveName spotted a brown bear ahead" instead of the name you gave them. Thanks.


Also the MERCHANT class doesn't seem to be working, visited the market stalls with and without the merchant slave and tried buying and selling potions and materials aaand prices were the same for selling and buying. This specialization idea is a great one, hope you expand it with different ones or even levels like Merchan I, II and III. Cheers


Not quite a bug thing, but an idea that might make things a bit easier to handle. With the other villages in the game that don't have a portal to them, how about a way to unlock a portal once you find them...it's somewhat of a pain to keep having to stumble through areas in order to get where you want.


I do plan to add bit more mechanics to the portals system soon.