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Hello everyone. It's been a bit slow on updates since last update and that's because we are preparing a lot of changes in the next one so it takes us more time to prepare for it. In this post I gonna go through most of the upcoming content and changes.

Firstly, act 3 will be fully playable. Hara and Jean will be properly introduced in that and the new recruitable character you might've met as well. We might be able to add one or two sidequests for them but its more likely they'll be added in next updates.

Secondly, infinite dungeon will be unlockable in act 3. It's planned to have more story content also tied to it, but currently its mostly for introduction and gameplay.

Item changes: Quality of normal items will be upgradeable by adding more items of same type and quality. E.g. 3 Epic quality swords can be turned into 1 legendary quality sword. Also quality will be featured on unique items and will be upgradeable also by sacrificing same quality items of similar types, E.g. average quality Sword from the stone can be upgraded to good quality by sacrificing 1 good quality weapon.

New training system

Another major new thing: we are revamping slave training system almost entirely. Basically the idea for new system is to make the training aspect more involved and realistic contrary to just spamming actions to keep obedience up so characters won't escape. I probably won't be able to name every change but to give some idea the core changes are: Obedience is no longer a thing, characters won't drain obedience or escape if it reach zero. Instead slave type characters will be set to training and will need a dedicated trainer assigned to them. Each trainer will be limited to certain number of characters they can overwatch.

Instead of skills, there will be training actions of 6 categories (the old warn/praise/punish etc) with ever character having some disposition to each category making that type of actions more or less effective on them. These dispositions will be hidden and have to be revealed in various ways to for more effective trainings. If you choose bad option it will damage character's spirit. Spirit is a new mechanic for characters in training which will be measure when training is finished. Successful training will increase loyalty to unlock necessary perks and eventually 'graduate' character from training.

Also trainers might have their own preferred ways of training making certain actions more effective.

While this system is not very deep or complex by itself, it will make both training less straightforward and management easier as fully trained slaves will no longer need additional maintenance.

Cosmetics: paperdoll armor and weapons will now be dyeable allowing a bit more customization.

Death portraits will now reflect what damage type they were killed with.


Previously only scenes in the game were animated, now we are adding moving character sprites for main characters.

That's about all I've wanted to tell you today (even though I've probably forgot something). Thank you for your time and support and see you on next release.



I am very excited for the item changes, but I am even more excited for the training changes, defiantly sounds like it would help the enjoyment of the fantasy (or power fantasy depending on difficulty) of training slaves

Professor Membrane

VERY GOOD! I see you're all working very hard, haha! Keep it up boys!


A training revamp sounds fantastic!! and i love the updates for the paper doll system as well! In the future could we also have a toggle for the cape in armors as well? Mostly for rogues or orc berserkers