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Poll: What sort of community related content you would want to see more? 

What I've been mentioning previously, as I want try to devote more time to the community, which, I believe, gets fairly respectable in size. 

Other than that, I want to make new executable files, as godot has been updated some time ago, but I still haven't gotten to the latest version as executables should be recompiled with that. Although I'm not sure what form (data.zip/pck or open folder) I mainly going to use.  I will probably also add 64bit version for windows and linux so you gonna get even more performance in case you need it... 

Lastly, I think I will be trying to put the game onto the Itch.io (a service somewhat similar to steam in terms of game search, but free and with easier access), mainly because it looks fairly convenient to use that as a website and download hosting in same time, since patreon does not really support 'homepage' and I want more liberty with design options. Also I will be trying hosting game's wiki, hopefully that will be at least bit filled by community. 

P.S. there might be some additional experimentations with character design/artists in recent time.


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