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Story Written by Wang Lang.  (Thanks a lot for the story!) 


"Thanks again for the meal, Andre!" 

Lene chirped up at her boyfriend, the couple having just left the latest destination of Lene's unrestrained appetite - a cozy quaint cafe, home to aromatic roasts and blends, and delectable snacks and confections.

"Don't mention it, I pick only the best for you." He smiled back. It was a warm, gentle smile, one that combatted the cold winter air with nearly as much effectiveness as the Apricot coat and insulated jacket they wore respectively, though it was plain the former did not fit its owner as well as the latter did.

Lene's grin widened "I almost felt bad for ordering the entire cake. But the look on the barista's face was worth it!" Punctuating a chuckle, she patted the protruding dome that was her belly. Nestled within the doughy expanse was: two ham sandwiches, a whole assorted nutcake, a chocolate milkshake, and one cup of coffee, supplemented with plenty of milk and sugar.

"I hope it's worth outgrowing your wardrobe." Andre's gaze shifted from Lene's verdant green eye, to the ill-fitting jumper and straining pants that ensconced her stomach. "Eat anymore and those pants are liable to burst apart!"

A brief flash of mock-surprise danced over Lene's face "Andre! So cheeky. I can't deny it does feel a tad chilly at the front of my tummy though... guess it's time for another round of clothes shopping." She meekly gripped at the hem of her jumper and pulled, in vain, to cover her protruding middle with it, producing no lasting effect. With every tug of the fabric downwards, it would spring back up to expose an ample sliver of pudgy flesh to the frosty wind.

Andre's cheeks shone red as he marvelled at this display, and Lene was quick to react in turn.

"I could still go for a bit more to eat when we drop by your place. Let's see if I really can't eat another bite more without ruining these pants." Her voice was a low purr, like a cat on the prowl.

"Hmm... well, maybe I'll whip something up for you." Andre's response was slow, but attentive. He wouldn't let his girlfriend go 'hungry' if she was asking for food.

"Mmh, yes please! You know how much I love your home cooking." Lene beamed, squeezing Andre's hand tighter as she lead the way back home.



Wang Lang

Adorable pic of an adorable pair! I'm happy to have been able to provide a story to accompany this!


Since it’s a side story, I would have called the title of the post “ The domino’s side effect”