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I'm not slow, I swear. 



Wang Lang

I mean it should be no surprise this too some extra time with the extra detail put behind having these scenic shots! Incredible stuff! It's fun seeing things from Emma's perspective, and getting a glimpse at her family!


Another great chapter. See how her family and what they think of her is funny. I found it interesting that Emma learn that she like what Nikolas did and now want it more. She have a little doubt but she him badly enough she will do it. Also the mother is 😍.


I wonder if Milfs like a Teacher or Emma's mom will be part of the title Domino Effect. Well it might be a little too much but let's see in future :3


Seeing her gain weight will be and all, but she really should just ask him out. That guy was right, I highly doubt he'd say no even if he didn't say yes right away


I love Emma's family


This is getting so juicy👀👀

Laptop Suc

Can't help but love characters who say the sensible and perfect solution we're all thinking (and get shot down anyway 😭). And tsunderes who get roasted by their family 😂.