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Collab with DrBlackJack.


When it came to earning respect, beating up the strongest, toughest kid in the yard was often a sure fire bet. When it came to cooking, naturally that meant taking down the strongest national dish as soon as Alice’s feet hit the ground. 

 Dutch cuisine was not often spoken of when ‘fine food’ came to mind. If Alice were to attack the bland, minimal meat dishes with a lot of vegetables with her own refined skills, the equivalent comparator would be like attempting to sandblast a water cracker. This wasn’t because she was particularly attracted to the concept of ‘fair play’ or even ‘mercy’ but rather because she wanted every move she made to have the largest impact possible. 

The stroopwaffle was therefore the most ideal target.   

A delicacy born, doused in sugar and syrup and available in every supermarket, Alice ensured her new creation was just as sugary, calorie laden and the literal definition of a taste explosion. With her task completed, the rest came down to peddling her dish to the public which quickly attracted a sizable following.  

“So, why do I have to carry all the heavy stuff again?” Ryo asked as he balked underneath more baking ingredients than he was sure he had ever seen in one place. “And do we really need this much sugar?”  

“Oh come now,” Alice chided as she sampled her own stroopwaffle creation before making notes in a little book. “That ‘low calorie, low sweetness’ fad for diet cake is a very ‘japanese’ approach to sweets making. The western pallet is far more attuned to the massive influx of glazed sugar than ours are which is precisely why the public’s opinion is essential for this venture to work.”  

From Ryo’s perspective, Alice’s own pallet wasn’t the only thing that had been changing as she gorged herself on sweets almost around the clock now. Taste testing continuously over the last few months had certainly softened her up further, adding some more visible curves to places which had none before and even more softness to places which had become undoubtedly plush.  

“Once we get this perfect, the people will come, you’ll see!” 

Being far too absorbed in her cooking, Alice had failed to notice the stares she attracted as she strutted down the street. Hungry eyes were more interested in her than her delicacies which was in part its own sort of genius mass marketing.  

Ryo had decided to further capitalize on this. Concealing a post it note in the palm of his hand, he gently clapped it against her wobbling backside.   

“Careful Alice, or all that sugar will go straight to your thighs.”  

“Nakiris…munch…don’t get…chew…fat,” Alice shot back with all the confidence of a woman spilling out of her size 16 jeans. “I’ve always been bunny weight and intend to keep it that way.”  

“Yes…but just for how much longer"




Alice is looking quite delicious. I love the rolls on her back and her thicc thighs