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Too much stuff happened this week, so this time it will be another side story to make up for it.
The Long part will be pushed to next week.

Also, here is a Sidestory to accompany this piece, Story Written by Wang Lang and directed by me.  (Thanks a lot for the story!)


"Just look at what you've done to yourself..." 

Lene gushed as she observed herself in the bathroom mirror. The portly reflection staring back at her had grown since the last time she properly checked, stretch marks arching across her stomach's surface, visible from many night's worth of dietary debauchery.

It was New Years' morning, a time of renewal and fresh starts, of letting of of the last year and looking forward into the next. But while the prior year was over, the festive period was not. Much more celebration was still to be had, both in the form of great company and great food. The latter, unsurprisingly, was what Lene was focused on. Never is there a season where baked goods and mouth-watering roasts are in more abundant supply than the holiday season, and Lene was making sure to take full advantage of that abundance.

"Most people would be horrified to see themselves get visibly fatter over the holidays, but you...!"

Lene gasped, slapping her own belly with her free hand, causing the bulging flesh to shake and wobble about. 

"You like seeing yourself grow bigger, don't you? You just love to stuff your greedy fat face as others watch with looks of disgust and horror...~" 

The bathroom filled with manic giggling as Lene grasped the underside of her belly, the soft mass wobbling to and fro.

"I've been such a good girl this Christmas... This thigh roll wasn't there before, was it?" 

She reached down and jiggled it for emphasis, the deposit of fat remaining in motion for a couple of seconds.

"I'm becoming so big... so soft..." 

She lent further towards the mirror, letting her belly smack against the sink lazily. Switching on her phone, she couldn't help but grin at the results of her hedonism.

"I hope New Year's dinner will be as delicious as Christmas's was... and just as large too~"

A rattling noise drew Lene out of her lustful stupor. The bathroom door opened, and a half-asleep Andre stumbled in.

"Hm? What're you doing, Lene?" 

He asked, his hair scruffy and not yet styled, toothbrush in hand.

"Oh, you know darling... just admiring our efforts." 

She chuckled without turning around, clicking the camera's shutter.




It might be difficult to pass them when they’ll walk through the hallway after Christmas vacation


First the sink, then the world

Wang Lang

Lene’s rightfully looking chuffed with her recent gains - and looking dazzling! Too dazzling for Andre at present, it’s too early in the morning lol