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Well this didn't get any better, did it? Diesel dishes out the finger and Marc goes to a great night of wrestling in Clapham, a place he has very little time for. Also they complain about the shitty hotel situation in Cardiff for ages. 


Rob Nancekivell

You'd struggle to get a hotel room on any given Saturday night in Cardiff. After the champions league final a lot of people just caught the late train back to London.

Andy J

The 1996 Rumble was the first I'd watched since 1993 and had drifted away from wrestling and I really enjoyed it at the time, because it's the Royal Rumble and I even enjoyed Jeff Jarrett v Ahmed Johnson. And now Marc and Pete have pissed all over it. Bereft isn't the word.


Friend of mine reselling his tickets. His hotel cancelled his booking, most likely to resell at higher cost once they realised thousands upon thousands were descending upon Cardiff