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Here in glorious PDF format, it's the new Wrestle Me! newsletter, covering the month of March, and with some match recommendations and all the usual gubbins. It's a'happening (so long as you want to find out what Davey Boy Smith was doing in 1994).

Because we want to make this EXCLUSIVE to Pat Patreonsons, these PDFs will be deleted on the last day of the following month, so that anyone joining the month after won't get to riffle back through them and make a mockery of the Patreon system.

Hope you're all happy and lovely and all the good things!

Love Marc & Pete xxx



That interview with the local kid was probably the best Davey Boy ever did "Someone stole my car, Repoman..."

Ross Pollard

I can see myself in the ASW video !!! As a WoS fan going to Fairfield Halls was more pilgrimage than for the show 😂