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Whoever wins, we snooze.



The Thinking Cat...Former Cthulhu Pofit Neo Normie and Masked fat guy but now a Cat ??

I think the sweetest part of all this was Neilson asked if his friend George Kennedy could also get a payday as he was actually really ill by the time they made Naked Gun 33 3rd and if you watch the Disco Scene in the movie he literally had to lean back to get out of a shot as he had to sit through the shot due to being exhausted from having a Heart Condition that would lead to his death, and though Nelson did some shit his Zucker Brothers movies are all really good along with this absolute gem I strongly recommend as it takes the total piss out of the fugitive with a hilarious mocking of the major scene in The Usual Suspects. https://youtu.be/kkaupkFJYYQ?si=WmmmAmy6aXPS53Z4


I'm seeing double here! 4 Undertakers!?