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"This is it, Elinor! I'm leaving you!"

"Well, I hate to see you go... but I'm gonna love watchin' you leave..."



S/he became a Latina goddess!

The Awsome

Why do you have to quote the good place 😞. Still recovering!


I never watched that show... but I do remember Sarah Silverman saying it to her sister on The Sarah Silverman Program!

Abigail M. Anaya

S/he was already latin... I think. But also so am I, but that doesn't mean I have Latdar, that's not a thing. Now Gaydar, I do have that, but I can't use it, if I don't see your face, but I do like the idea of a fanfic where Quagmaire from Family Guy had to live the rest of her life as Glenda Vajmire. So, if it weren't obvious already, who wants to do a collab with me on that? I also have the idea to do a Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs Fan Fic called "The Vega Sisters" with female versions of Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs & John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. Considering there was consideration by Tarantino for a film called "The Vega Brother" maybe something similar to that.