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After fighting his way past the castle guards, the handsome Prince at last finds himself face to face with his arch-enemy, the Evil Sorcerer.

Prince: Victory is mine, fiend! Surrender, or prepare to die by my sword!

Evil Sorcerer: I think not. The prophecy states that the Sorcerer King of Gormador can only be defeated by the Prince of Blomgraden, and I see no prince before me...

The Evil Sorcerer blows a handful of magical golden dust in the prince's face, there is a flash of light, and the prince transforms into a female version of himself. The dust hovers in the air for a moment, sparkling around the prince's lovely new face.

Prince: What did you... wha..?

He sneezes, blowing the dust back at the sorcerer. There is another flash and the sorcerer also transforms into a beautiful woman. Awkward pause.

Evil Sorcerer: You sneezed right in my face.

Prince: I'm sorry, that dust got in my nose. Gads, this is so embarrassing. I mean, sure, I despise you and curse your very name, but... sneezing in somebody's face, that's just rude.

Evil Sorcerer: Well, this is great. Now we're both stuck as girls.

Prince: Can't you just reverse the spell?

Evil Sorcerer: No, I can't just reverse it! That magic dust took me ages to make. I had to figure out exactly the right mix of basilisk scales and cyclops eyelashes, and I got lucky even finding a centaur's hoof. I doubt I'll ever be able to undo this.

Prince: Oh. Drat. Well, why do I suddenly feel an overpowering urge to go get a job as a tavern dancer?

Evil Sorcerer: That was part of the spell. You, the brave Prince of Blomgraden, would become a mere pub wench, a slattern spending her nights dancing on tabletops and stripping off her veils for crude and sweaty men. It was to be the ultimate humiliation... but because nobody ever taught you to cover your damn mouth when you sneeze, now I'm gonna be a sexy little tavern dancer too!

Prince: I see. So, in a way, the prophecy did come true! My sneeze transformed the Sorcerer King, ending your cruel reign of --

Evil Sorcerer: Oh, shut up.



I'd say they both ended up better off!


This is really good!