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A man is sitting on the couch, munching from a bowl of cheese puffs on his lap.

ANNOUNCER: Hey, there! Enjoying that delicious snack?

MAN: Yeah, these are pretty good. My wife got them, but I don't know what they're called.

ANNOUNCER: Why, those are Preggo Puffs!

MAN: Huh?

Suddenly the man transforms into a pregnant woman in a tight maternity dress, his stomach inflating so abruptly that it knocks over the bowl and sends cheese puffs flying everywhere. The man looks down at his enormous baby bump with a mix of shock and horror.

MAN: What the..?

ANNOUNCER: Preggo Puffs are the cheesy treat that puts a smile on your face... and a baby in your belly!

Cut to the product logo, but we can still hear the man from off-screen.

MAN: Hang on, don't just end the goddamn commercial now! I never wanted --

Quick fade out.



I always enjoy your pregnant tg gifs and e-books


Is anyone else having trouble viewing GIFs? I just see the "broken image" icon


So it turns out Nord VPN was doing this somehow, I'll have to figure out how to set it to allow this site to show gifs