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TEENA, a cute teenage girl, is walking down the hallway with her gay and fabulous bestie, ASHTON, when she suddenly gasps and grabs his arm.

TEENA: Oh, no, Ashy! Here comes that big bully, Beck. You better take off before he stuffs you into a locker again!

ASHTON: Don't worry about me, babe. I've been studying that spellbook I bought, and I've got a little something special in mind for Beck.

BECK swaggers into the scene. He's a tall, smirky jock with curly brown hair and a letterman jacket.

BECK: Hey, Teena. I see you're still hanging around with your little girlfriend, here. Why don't you ditch this sissy and spend some time with a real man?

ASHTON chuckles and shakes his head.

ASHTON: Oh, poor Beck. All that macho bullshit... You're obviously overcompensating for something.

BECK: What?! Listen, you little...

ASHTON: What are you hiding, hmm? Maybe, deep down... you're not really a man at all.

ASHTON gestures and BECK suddenly transforms into a pretty, female version of himself. His curly hair becomes a badly-fitting wig and his letterman jacket hangs loose on his soft, curvy little body. ASHTON and TEENA burst into laughter while BECK just looks confused, still unaware of his transformation.

BECK: What are you weirdos laughing at? (He looks down at himself and gasps.) Oh, my God! I've got... b-boobs!

TEENA: Sure do. Actually, I think they're bigger than mine! I guess we'll have to call you Becky, now!

BECK: This can't be real! It can't be!

He turns to run away but he trips and his curly wig falls off, revealing a wig cap. He reaches up with trembling fingers, taking off the cap, and long, blond hair tumbles down around his shoulders. He shrieks a high, girly shriek and runs off. TEENA and ASHTON are in hysterics.

TEENA: Oh my God, this is the greatest thing ever! Beck the bully... changed into Becky the busty babe!

ASHTON: Yeah. And if he's this upset now, just wait until he unzips those jeans and a big wad of rolled-up socks falls out!


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