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Calvin was standing at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to take him to the office, when he felt a jolt all through his body and suddenly he became a beautiful brunette carrying a basket of shiny red apples!

The men around him had been staring straight ahead and ignoring each other, lost in the bleary misery of their morning commute, but they all perked up when they noticed the luscious young lady in their midst. They quickly formed a tight circle around Calvin, making wet kissy noises and groping him. He squirmed and whimpered, feeling a strange heat building in his chest, and when he looked down he saw that his breasts were actually growing. They were getting bigger and heavier every moment, stretching his top until the buttons threatened to pop right off!

Calvin shrieked, forcing his way out of the tight, sweaty circle of men. He ran off down the street with his new heels clicking on the pavement and his rapidly swelling bosom bouncing. He ran a few blocks and then stopped in an alcove to catch his breath, his enormous breasts heaving as he gasped. He'd finally stopped growing, but he was so busty now that he knew he was going to get gawked at wherever he went.

Looking down past the wobbly swell of his bosom, he spotted a note in his apple basket. He unfolded it and read his wife's handwriting:

My dearest Calvin,

I hope you're enjoying your new body. I know I am! I found out about your affair with that skank at work and I decided to cast a little spell to teach you a lesson.

Our marriage is over, and you won't come home if you know what's good for you. As for your career, well, I don't think you'll be going back to the office like this, will you? But don't worry, my dear. I've given you this basket so you can start over as an apple seller on the street. And looking like that, I bet you'll meet plenty of boys who want to get their hands on your plump, juicy apples...

NOTE: The "after" part of this gif comes from an old episode of Benny Hill. I saw it in reruns when I was a kid and it's one of the things that made me a perv for life! It brings me great joy to finally make it a TG transformation, just as kid me would've wanted. To this day I've never gotten a satisfactory explanation for why the message on her shirt changes as her boobs expand!



Here you go: The alternating names on Clare Smalley's t-shirt are reportedly Benny's homage to several Welsh towns with nearly identical names.


Thanks, Steve. Yeah, I'd heard that, but I've never understood why, as her breasts expand, the names of different Welsh town appear on her shirt. Are they towns of increasing size? If that was the case it'd make a little more sense, but even then it's not a very good gag. It gets a big close-up and they went to a lot of trouble to do it was 1980-something special effects, so it seems like it's supposed to be really funny.