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I have some weird turn-ons. No, I'm not talking about my unbirthing kink, my thing for giantesses or my desire to be magically transformed into a sentient dress and worn by a sexy woman, hugging her curves as she gets all sweaty inside me and stretches out my fabric by taking nice, big breaths. That stuff is all perfectly fine and normal and great! No, I'm talking about these weird little things that really get me going, and I don't even know why.

A pretty girl barely dancing: I love it when a girl is someplace where music is  playing, and she just barely starts dancing. Like, she might not even be aware she's doing it. She starts bopping along, wiggling her hips a little, doing cute moves with her hands. She's hardly doing anything, but... Oh, my God! I love it so much. So much.

A big gang of girls all singing raucously together:
Oh, wow, does this get to me. It's something about the sheer abandon of it, the way they're all just hollering their lungs out and having fun, not giving a damn what anybody thinks. It's OK if they're all singing along to a song, but I prefer it if they all just spontaneously break into a song together. Like, pretty girls on a long bus ride, all shrieking out some dopey pop hit at top volume. That would kill me. Bonus points if they collapse into a big  giggle fit at the end.

The opening credits from Footloose: I've never even seen this movie, but the first time I saw the opening credits on TV I damn near fainted. Those cute little dancing feet! And the crazy thing is, I'm not a foot person at all. For me, feet are just feet. But god damn, I could watch that montage of little dancing tootsies all day! (Note that I'm only talking about the girls' feet. I can get turned on by some parts of a guy, but for me a man's feet are just ew.)

High side ponytails: A really high, bouncy ponytail on the side of her head,  especially if she's wearing a cheesy day-glo 80s or 90s leotard and doing aerobics and stuff so her ponytail bounces even more. It's so goofy and dated and trashy and oh god I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it.

The name Amanda: This one has faded a bit, but when I was younger I had an absolute mania for the name Amanda. Like, if I met a girl named Amanda she would automatically be 45% more attractive to me, just because of her name. What the hell is that about? Amanda's not even a conventionally sexy name! Amanda sounds like a nice 50-year-old lady who works in a bank. Not even a MILF-y type with a tight pencil skirt or anything. Just a normal lady treating herself to a donut and watching the clock until closing time. Sometimes I wonder if I had some babysitter named Amanda when I was little, and maybe I've forgotten her but her name got lodged in my subconscious and became a kink. It's just weird, even for me. Who has a name fetish?


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