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Lug: You sure talk big for such a little squirt. Somebody oughta kick your ass... and I reckon that somebody is me!

Bimbo-Jitsu Master: You're welcome to try, my friend... but know that I will meet any aggression with a display of the ancient art of bimbo-jitsu. Even the fiercest man is powerless against it.

Lug: Yeah, sure. Show me what'cha got, Shang-Chi.

Master: Very well. First, I'll give you... Bimbo Body!

The Master sweeps his hand through the air, and whoosh, the Lug becomes a beautiful blonde girl in a tight little skirt and a fuzzy pink sweater. He doubles over, grabbing his stomach, and when he speaks he still has a deep, masculine voice.

Lug: What the crap? Why do I feel like I just... grew ovaries? Where'd this sweater come from, and why does it seem to have boobs in it?

Master: Next I will give you... Bimbo Bottom!

The Master gestures again and the Lug jolts, grabbing his behind. It suddenly swells, stretching his skirt, and he looks back at it with horror.

Lug: Stop that! I don't know how the hell you're doing this, pal, but if you don't change me back right away I'm gonna -

Master: And now I'll finish you off with... Bimbo Mind!

He gestures and the Lug is sent reeling. He lands on a couch, and when he speaks he has a high, squeaky, bimbo voice.

Lug: Whoa! Why do I all of a sudden really want a Gucci bag... and a rich boyfriend?

Master: You are finished, little bimbo. Go and live the life of a vain and superficial girl.

Lug: Like, OMG! Rude, much!


Greg Dante

Where is this from, It seems like an interesting type of content.


It was a Fun2U video called WOW! Magic Doll GRANTS WISHES! The original scene isn't a TG thing, though.