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This is Rance Maddley, a hardcore conservative politician, and in a few minutes he'll be holding the most important press conference of his career. Yesterday a poll came out showing that Rance had a dismal approval rating with Black female voters, and he was caught on a hot mic saying that he didn't care about the opinions of, as he put it, "a bunch of chicks who are all butts and no brains." Now the feminists and civil rights activists are outraged and demanding that Rance step down, but he's not worried.

When Rance gets out to the podium he plans to say that it was just a bit of harmless "locker room talk" taken out of context, and it doesn't reflect the kind of man he really is. Of course, the truth is that Rance is exactly that kind of man... but he won't be for much longer.

Suddenly Rance feels strange. His skin is burning up, he feels little ants crawling all over his scalp and when he looks at his hands they're flushed a golden brown. Like a deep tan, but... browner.

His expensive, custom-tailored suit is sagging on his shoulders. His sleeves droop down past his fingertips and his pants feel like they might slip right down off his hips. Something soft is tickling his ears and the back of his neck. He reaches up to touch it, and it feels like... hair?

His suit suddenly tightens up all over, pinching badly on his chest, hips and ass and making him gasp for breath. He feels his flesh ripple and bulge, and his suit gets tighter and tighter as weird bumps swell beneath the fabric.

Finally his suit loosens up enough for him to breathe again and he sit back on top of his desk, relieved. He doesn't know what the hell that was, but he's glad it's over. 

Perhaps, he thinks, the stress is getting to him. Making him imagine things...

He decides to go get a drink from the water cooler, but when he takes a step he feels a cool breeze on his thigh. He looks down and sees that he's somehow wearing high heels and a dress, and the leg sticking out of the slit in his skirt is shapely and feminine. He's even wearing stockings, making his leg brown and silky smooth. But then he touches his leg, and he realizes there's no stocking there. It's just his skin. His smooth, brown skin.

His hair is growing long and thick now, swinging down his back, and he can feel his bones shift. His hips pop wide, then his ass shoves itself out and just keeps going. He groans in a voice that's low for a woman but much, much too high for a man.

Pop! Pop! Pop! The buttons on his vest fly free as his chest swells. The florescent light of the office is gleaming on his ebony skin, and his new breasts are getting rounder and heavier with every heaving breath he takes.

He staggers over to the mirror he'd used for a quick shave, not 20 minutes ago. There's a Black girl in the mirror, with an itty bitty blue dress stretched tight across curves that could stop traffic. Suddenly the senator has got boobs like a stripper and an ass that was made for twerking!

He brushes his dark hair away from his face and gawks at himself in the mirror. He tells himself that this is just a hallucination, or a dream. It has to be. There's no way he really just turned into a Black girl! These aren't really his boobs! That great big ass, it can't really be his!

Rance feels his new body gelling, his curves settling into place. He makes faces at the mirror, pursing his lips and fluttering his long lashes. He grabs his boobs, squishing them together and wincing as he feels how solid, heavy and soft they are.

"This isn't real," he says to his reflection. "Stop looking like that! Be a man again! Be white again!"

Just then he's interrupted by a loud buzz on the intercom and he hears the voice of his assistant.

"Sir? The reporters are here for the press conference, and they're waiting to see you..."

Yep, the Leather & Silk Perk Pix are back! If you're having trouble identifying the actors in our little playlet, that's Vince Vaughn transforming into Megan Thee Stallion. I think her music is awful but holy cow is she fun to look at. Usual disclaimers and pre-emptive apologies if anybody is offended. Racial TFs are really hard to defend... but come on, who wouldn't want to look like Megan?



Thank you! (I just saw this comment. Patreon doesn't alert me to new comments so it's random when I see them.)