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He: What the hell? I'm... I'm a...

She: Welcome to your new life, sis.

He: What?!

She: You've always been a macho, bullying asshole, but all that is gonna change now that you're my kid sister.

He: Oh, my God! This can't be happening!

She: Oh, it's happening. My spell will make it so that everybody will think you've always been my sister, and only you and I will know the truth. Of course, as your older sister, what I say goes... And don't you forget it!

Note: Sorry for the double watermarks on this one. The clip is from some old TV show and it was absolutely lousy with little network logos and crap. I needed something to cover all that up!



TV show was "Big wolf on campus". 1st blonde girl is swapped with another girl who wants to steal her life. Wans't a bad show and bad 3 seasons.