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"Let me be frank with you, Miss Drake. You're only here because I'm legally required to hire a certain number of female employees. I don't believe a girl has any place in my lab except perhaps to bring me coffee while I work, and nothing you do will ever change my mind..."


"Thank you for the coffee, Miss Drake. Have you been serving a new blend? It tastes extra sweet today."

"So, gentlemen, as I was saying... Huh? What do you mean, my hair looks long? I just got a haircut a few days ago!"

"Ugh... I feel so strange. Woozy, hot... weak. I must be coming down with something... but I won't let it get in the way of my work!"

"My office's ID system must be malfunctioning. The stupid thing won't recognize my voice... or my hand print!"

"What do you mean, asking me if I'm a new girl at the lab? I'm your boss, idiot! And I'm obviously a man!"

"What the hell? That can't really be my reflection! It... it can't be!"

"What's happening to me? My face... my body... I'm changing all over!"

"I'm a woman! A woman, with a great big pair of... of..."

"Oh, no! Now my clothes are changing too! My lab coat is getting tighter and tighter, tearing apart, reshaping itself..."

"It's becoming a clingy little dress, showing my new body for everyone to see! I can actually watch myself changing in the mirror. Breasts getting bigger and heavier... hips getting wider...  my face becoming more feminine with every moment. When will this nightmare end?"

"Miss Drake must be behind this! That little sneak has been putting something in my coffee, and she feminized me! I'll hurry to her office and demand that she change me back. God, these stupid boobs jiggle around so much when I run!"

"Whoa! Suddenly I feel so... dizzy. Hard to think straight. What's happening to my mind?"

"I can feel my personality changing, my intelligence fading! I'm... becoming a bimbo!"

"Please change me back into a man, Miss Drake! Now that I'm too dumb to do science stuff, I dunno how I'm ever gonna earn a living..."


"I'm awful sorry, Miss Drake, but I think I messed up your coffee order again... I can never remember if you like one spoonful of sugar or two. I'm such a little ditz, I dunno why you keep me as your assistant!"


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