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He: I saw your sign outside, offering "total transformations" for Halloween. What do you suggest for me? I'd like something really funny.

She: Well, how about a pretty little princess? It'll be hilarious.

He: Well... I dunno. I mean, I'm not really a princess kinda guy. But... yeah, I guess maybe it could be kind of funny.

She: Excellent! One pretty little princess, coming up!


He: Wow! I really look like a little girl! My hands look so small, and... I even look like I'm shorter than you. It's an amazing illusion. How does it work?

She: It's no illusion. I really did change you into an 8-year-old blonde girl in a pink princess dress.

He: Huh? What the hell kind of costume store is this?

She: It's not a costume store. I'm just a witch with a twisted sense of humor. Happy Halloween, cutie!

She waves her wand and vanishes. He stands there in total shock for a long moment, then he sighs.

He: Well, I suppose it could be worse. I almost asked her for a Spongebob costume.



i would not be upset if i was transformed into her :)