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Gerardo is in the office parking garage, sitting in his parked car. He sighs and brings his hands together in prayer.

Gerardo: God, what do I have to do to get promoted at this lousy job? Please, just give me what it takes to finally get my ass noticed around here! Make me the boss' new favorite. Make him love me.

A shiny red sports car pulls in nearby and Gerardo's boss gets out, heading for the elevator. Gerardo pops a Tic-Tac and grabs his briefcase, getting ready to go.

Gerardo: OK, this is it. Come on, God. Quit dicking around with hurricanes and rainbows and all that shit, and actually answer somebody's prayers for once!

Gerardo hops out of his car and hurries toward the elevator. The boss is about to step inside and he has his back to Gerardo so he can't see him yet.

Gerardo: Hold that elevator, please, sir!

But before the boss can turn around there is a whoosh of hot air and Gerardo suddenly transforms into a beautiful brunette wearing a plaid blouse and a little blue skirt. The wind blows his skirt up, revealing his panties, and he whimpers as he desperately struggles to cover his flat crotch and cute, plump bottom. He looks up to see the boss leering at him.

Boss: Well, hello, miss. You must be my new secretary...

The mysterious wind returns, sending Gerardo's skirt fluttering up again. He looks to the heavens and groans.

Gerardo: Aw, God damn it, God!



Hey he came through for you young lady. Best own your answered prayers!