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Jake "Mad Dog" Maddox has just escaped from prison. He was locked up for doing a lot of bad things to women, and as soon as he makes his way out of this forest he plans to find a pretty girl and have some "fun" with her.

But all of a sudden Mad Dog feels strange. His face is twitching and fever-hot, and his beard is falling out. He grunts and his voice sounds funny, high and unrecognizable.

Whatever is happening to Mad Dog, it's getting worse in a hurry. His hair is growing long, his bones are aching and his flesh feels loose and flabby all over. He looks at his hands and he can actually see them shrinking, his fingers getting slimmer and shorter.

He feels strange movements beneath his skin, pinches here and swelling there, and suddenly his jeans are too tight across his ass and the denim of his shirt is rough and scratchy on his puffy, sensitive chest.

It looks like the girls in town don't have much to fear from Mad Dog anymore! Back in prison he may have been a terror, but now he's just a pretty little thing. And he's getting prettier by the moment...

Mad Dog's clothes are changing too, tickling his skin as they flap around, ripping and reshaping themselves. Even the fabric is transforming, going from denim to clingy spandex...

Mad Dog finds himself wearing an itty-bitty bikini, a most impractical outfit for a chilly day in the forest. He tells himself this must all be a dream or a hallucination, but with every step he feels his hips sway and his soft flesh jiggling. Sharp twigs crunch beneath his bare, delicate little feet, and he hears himself whimper and whine like a girl.

Mad Dog is breathing hard and fast now, his full bosom heaving. A branch snaps behind him and he turns quickly. He hopes it'll be some friendly campers or a forest ranger, somebody who will take pity on a poor, defenseless girl wandering alone in the woods...

Then Mad Dog spots someone coming his way through the trees. The man is dressed in blue denim, and his face looks all too familiar...

NOTES: If it's not obvious, Mad Dog is somehow meeting himself at the end. I'll leave what happens next to your imagination.

If it seems like I'm cheating somehow by using AI to make these images, let me assure you that it takes plenty of tries to get something like what I want and then I have to edit them a lot. There's no magic button that turns Oscar Isaac into Mila Kunis!

I'm trying to think up a better name for these pix-and-story things. They're not quite comics, and "illustrated fiction" seems much too high-falutin'. Any suggestions?


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