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"So, anyway, about the Jenkins account... What? No, of course I'm not wearing makeup! Why would you even ask that? You think I'm a fairy or something?"

"I think Pete in accounts must be on drugs. He actually asked me if I was wearing makeup! Can you believe... What? No, I'm not new here! Come on, I've worked with you for eight years!"

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with people today. Everybody's acting so weird, and... What? No, of course I'm not one of the 'intern girls'!"

"Oh, God! I really do look like a girl! I've even got boobs! What the hell is happening to me?"

"Oh, shit. Did I just get shorter? I feel like I suddenly lost a few inches! And my face looks different now, too. Softer and chubbier, and... younger. Jesus, I look like I'm 15!"

"Oh, no. I look like I'm only 10 or 11 now, and I'm losing years fast! When will this end? Am I gonna turn into a baby?"

"What do you mean, my 'mommy' is here to pick me up? I'm a grown man, for Christ's sake!"

"Helena? Are you the one doing this to me? I knew you were upset when I left you, but... this is insane! Please, however you did this, you gotta reverse it! Change me back into a man!"

"You're enrolling me in first grade... in an all-girls school? Screw that! Change me back into a man right now, you crazy bitch!"

"Okay, okay! Please, just don't make me any younger and I promise I'll be a good little girl and do whatever you say... Mommy."

Note: I've decided that I'm going to be offering my Stable Diffusion stuff to patrons at both the Shiny Silk and Tight Leather tiers. The Tight Leather peeps get a shot at the monthly custom gifs, and I'll come up with some other exclusive goodies for them... but I'm having too much fun with my Stable Diffusion experiments to only share them with one tier!



Love these great way to still make more content with longer stories and without being limited only to what gifs you can find!