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OK, this is all just a dream. It has to be, right? I'm a guy, and there's no way I just turned into a bride on her wedding day.

I mean, this girl body sure feels real... but it can't be. That big crowd waiting for me outside, they're not real. None of this is real. I ate some spicy Thai food last night, and now I'm dreaming this whole thing.

But... since it is just a dream, I guess there wouldn't be any harm in trying on this wedding dress. I mean, I'm already wearing the veil and the, uh... bridal lingerie. This body is pretty hot, and I'd kind of like to see it all dolled up like that. I'll try on my dress, just for a minute...

Mmm, this actually feels kind of nice, going on. So silky. It hugs my curves just right. It's kind of fun how this big foofy skirt swishes against my legs. Swish, swish!

Wow. I look so beautiful. Like a princess! I mean, this is super weird, and it's not like I really want to look like a beautiful princess or anything. But... Wow.

I gotta admit, some crazy part of me is tempted to just go out there and... try getting married. I mean, this is only a dream. It could be an interesting experience to walk down the aisle as a girl, and say, "I do." Then I'll kiss my big, handsome husband, and...

Whoa. What's the matter with me? Why do I want this? Why do I really want this? I can't go out there wearing this ridiculous dress, and marry a man! No matter how good it sounds... and God, it sounds good.

What if this is really happening? What if I've turned into a girl for real, and when I get married I'll be stuck as some guy's wife? I can't go out there and marry a man! I can't! It's crazy to even think about it. I don't want to be some guy's wife, and live in a cozy little house with him and have his babies, and... and... Damn it, why does all that have to sound so good?

Relax, this is only a dream. I'll just go out there and walk down the aisle in my pretty, pretty dress, and Daddy will give me away, and then I'll say "I do" and kiss my husband, and I'll throw my bouquet, and...

And then I'll wake up. I'll wake up and be a man again, and all of this will poof away to nothing.

I just hope I don't wake up until after our honeymoon.