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Vic's bus had almost reached his stop when he noticed a curvy blonde who was sitting near the exit. He was going to get off in a second anyway so he thought he'd have a little fun with this girl, saying something naughty to make her blush.

"Damn, honey," he said, just quietly enough that none of the other passengers would hear. "I could sure have some fun with a sweet little body like yours."

The blonde gave him a smirk.

"I'm using this one," she said, "but if you like it so much, you can have one just like it. I'll even wrap it up nice and pretty for you."

Vic frowned, not understanding her, and she just smirked again. There was something in her eyes that made Vic feel kind of squirmy, and when the bus arrived at his stop a moment later he was glad to get off.

The bus pulled away from the curb, Vic felt a whoosh of hot summer air all over his body and suddenly there was long, golden hair falling in his eyes. When he brushed it aside he saw that he'd somehow become a woman and he was wearing frilly white lingerie, complete with a garter belt, stockings and high heels. He yelped in surprise and it came out as a tiny squeak, like the sound a girl might make when she'd seen a mouse in the kitchen.

Vic looked up just in time to glimpse the blonde in the bus' rear window, giving him one last smirk and a wave goodbye. He tried to run after her but he was clumsy in his heels and he almost fell right into traffic. In a moment the bus was gone and Vic was left standing on wobbly ankles in the middle of the crowded street. Cars were honking at him, men were whistling and some guy passing by on a scooter actually howled like a wolf.

Vic stumbled down the sidewalk as fast as he could, feeling his plump new breasts jiggle with every step he took. The sun was hot on his bare skin, everyone was staring at him, and when he finally made it to his car he jumped inside and crouched down as low as he could, trying to hide.

He was breathing hard now and his breath sounded all wrong. He even breathed like a girl. He reached up to bend the rear view mirror so he could see his reflection, but he already knew whose face would be there.

The curvy blonde from the bus was looking back at him, but now her smirk was gone.


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