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Mary and Carrie, two pretty young roommates, are sitting on the couch in their apartment.

Mary: God, my cramps are the worst this month.

Carrie: Yeah, me too. And I'm so bloated, none of my pants fit right.

Their other roommate, Larry, walks in from the next room.

Larry: God, are you two having your periods at the same time again? It's so weird how chicks do that.

Carrie: It's not weird! When girls live together, our pheromones affect each other so we sync up. It's perfectly natural.

Larry: Ugh, gross, I don't wanna hear about it!

He moves to leave but stumbles, and when he lands on the floor he has somehow transformed into a curvy, female version of himself.

Larry: What the hell? I'm a... a...

Mary: You're a girl, Larry! And oh my God, you're so cuuuuute!

Larry: But... this can't be happening! I have boobs. Big boobs. (He touches his chest.) And... they're really sore. God, they feel so...

Carrie: Full? Does it hurt when you press the sides?

He presses the sides of his breasts and winces.

Larry: Ouch! Yeah. How did you know?

Mary: I think you're on the rag now, too. I've heard about this. Sometimes when a dude is living with girls and he's, you know, not the most manly, dominant kind of guy, the girls' pheromones can affect him so he becomes a girl too.

Carrie:  Oh, yeah, I've heard of that! The guy's hormones go all girly, then he starts ovulating and his period syncs up with the girls.

Larry: What? That's bullshit! I'm manly!

Mary: Oh, come on, Larry. You've always been kind of a wimp.

Larry: I am not! I'm dominant! I'm the dominant one around here!

Carrie: Oh, please. Mary's definitely the dominant one here, and then I'm second... and you're way at the bottom.

Larry: I am not!

He suddenly gasps, doubles over and covers his lap with his hands.

Larry: Oh, God... I think I'm... I mean, down there... I think it's...

Carrie: Yeah, you're totally on the rag, sister. (She rises from the couch.) Come on, I'll show you how tampons work.

Mary: Actually, I think tampons could be kinda tricky for a new girl. Maybe you should start her off with pads instead.

Carrie: Yeah, that's probably better for her.

Larry: I'm not gonna use a... Hang on, what do you mean, "her"? Don't call me a her! I'm not a her!

Carrie: We'll go shopping tomorrow and get you some cute girl clothes, but for now you can borrow one of my period bras. It's nice and soft, with plenty of support. You're definitely gonna need it, with those puppies!

Larry gasps in outrage and folds his arms protectively across his chest.

Larry: I don't have "puppies"! Don't call them "puppies"!

Carrie giggles.

Carrie: This is gonna be so fun. You're one of the girls now, Larry!

Mary: Yeah, but we can't keep calling her Larry, though. How about we name her Laura instead?

Carrie: Or maybe Lauren. I think Lauren's prettier.

Mary: OK, Lauren it is!

Larry: My name's not Lauren! Come on, you girls can't just...

He suddenly winces and doubles over again.

Larry: OK, that's it. Show me the pads. Or the tampons. Anything.

Carrie: Sure. Come on, sweetie.

Mary: While you're doing that, I'll go get some Advil and a heating pad for her ouchy tummy. Then we can all settle in, watch Legally Blonde and eat ice cream. Maybe we'll even paint each other's toenails. It'll be a girl's night in!

Larry: But, I don't want... Oh, damn it, that does sound really good.

Mary and Carrie: Yay!

Note: Yeah, I know the "syncing periods" thing has been kind of debunked... but tell that to poor Larry!


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