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He: What the hell? You turned me into a...

She: You're my new maid. And you sure look cute in your new uniform, with that little apron and everything.

He: Come on, Loretta... I'm your husband!

She: Not anymore. Now you're my help. You're gonna cook for me, clean for me and obey my every whim.

He: Screw that! I'm getting out of here!

She: Not so fast, girlie. I'll probably never change you back... but if you want to have any chance of ever becoming a man again, you'll stay here and be a good little maid for me.

He: Damn it. OK, you win. I'll stay, Loretta.

She: You are not to use my name, maid. From now on, you will address me only as Boss. And curtsy nice and pretty when you say it!

He: Yes... Boss.


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