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It is after midnight, and Bruno is smoking a cigar on the balcony of his penthouse when an effete young man in old-fashioned clothing steps from the shadows.

Demon: Good evening, Bruno.

Bruno: Aw, crap. Is it that time already?

Demon: Indeed. As per the terms of our agreement, you've become the most feared mob boss on the East Coast and enjoyed a lifetime of fabulous wealth and all the women you could ever desire. I must say, your greed and cruelty has been most amusing to observe. But now your time is up, and you must serve me for eternity.

Bruno: Well, I guess a deal's a deal, shorty. So, how's this work? You were pretty cagey about what serving you meant, but you promised it'd be something I'd really enjoy. So, do I become a demon too, torturing people down in hell? I could get into that.

Demon: Oh, no, nothing of the sort. You're going to become one of my maids. You'll cook for me, clean for me, and attend my... every need.

With a whoosh and a flash of eerie blue light Bruno transforms into a busty blonde in a French maid outfit. He sneers at the demon and when he speaks he still has the low, gruff voice of a man.

Bruno: Hey, what's this? You said I'd be doing something I'd enjoy, and I sure as fuck don't wanna be your maid!

Demon: Oh, but don't you, my dear?

Bruno looks woozy for a moment, then he smiles eagerly and when he speaks he has a high, feminine voice with an exaggerated French accent.

Bruno: Oh, oui, Monsieur. I weel be 'appy to serve you as your good leetle maid, and do any'sing you weesh!

He snaps out of the trance and his eyes go wide as he realizes what he's just said, and the awful truth of it. He's not just going to be a demon's maid; he's actually going to love his work. He stamps his foot and pouts cutely.

Bruno: Oh, merde.


