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Drake: God, you're the worst step-mom ever! I dunno why my dad ever married some dumb old witch like you!

Linda: Stop pouting, honey. You brought this on yourself.

Drake: I did not! I passed all my classes!

Linda: Just barely. You know D grades aren't good enough. Come on, we had a deal.

Drake: But I don't wanna spend all summer stuck as a girl again!

Linda: Being a girl is good for you. You're always much more well-behaved without all that testosterone clogging up your system.

Drake: But my friends treat me all weird. Last summer Tommy actually tried to kiss me!

Linda giggles and waves her hand. There is a shimmer in the air around Drake and he is transformed into a pretty but very grouchy-looking girl.

Linda: Come on, princess. Let's go try on some of the cute outfits I picked out for you.

Drake: Fuck that.

Linda: Watch your language, young lady... or next September you might just find yourself going back to school as a girl too!


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