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He: I can't believe my summoning spell worked! Are you really a fairy?

She: That's right, honey. I'm the Milf Fairy! I fly all over the world, making mamas everywhere super sexy!

He: The Milf Fairy? Wow. That's really... specific. Well, I've always liked sexy older women. Can you use your magic to give me my very own milf girlfriend?

She: I'll do better than that. I'll make YOU a milf!

He: What? Hang on, that's not...


She: Aw, look at you, with your tight little dress and that fab cleavage! You're gonna drive the boys simply wild, honey!

He: But... I don't wanna drive the boys wild! I'm not into boys!

She laughs.

She: You are now! As a milf you'll be powerfully attracted to younger men... and they won't be able to resist you!

He: What? But, this isn't what I...

She: Happy hunting, you sexy little milf! Byeee....

She vanishes. He looks around helplessly for a moment, then he folds his arms and pouts.

He: I don't care what she says. I will not bang a bunch of college boys. Not even if they're... really hot. With bulging muscles, and... tight little shorts.

He sighs.

He: God damn it. I could really go for a hot college boy right now.