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Larry: Dude, I think there was something in that suntan lotion you gave me.

Harry: Mm, that so?

Larry: Yeah, I think I'm hallucinating. My skin feels really weird. Kind of... rubbery. And... hang on, do I have boobs?

Harry: You sure do. And your skin feels rubbery because it is rubber now.

Larry: What? What the hell do you mean, my skin is..?

Pop! Tssss!

Larry: Hey! What did you just do? Oh, my God! Am I... deflating? What th'hll? Whts hppning t'meh?

Harry: Your transformation is complete. Now, let's get you all rolled up and packed away.

Larry: Hy, wht ar y'doon t'meh? Stp rlln m'up!

Harry: Don't worry, my pretty little lovedoll. I promise I'll fill you up with air again... once we're back in my room.


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