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Oh, crap, crap, crap. I'm a girl again! And this time I'm even wearing makeup, and... earrings? Where the hell did they come from? Oh God, I'm wearing panties too! How did my boxers turn into panties?

Come on, dude. Turn back into a man. Just concentrate, picture yourself as a man, and...

Damn! Still a girl. It's getting harder and harder to switch back. What if I'm stuck like this? No, I can't be stuck. I just have to focus, and...

Nothing. Oh, God. I think I really am stuck.

Suzie and the kids will be back any minute. How the hell am I gonna explain this? Suzie's the jealous type, and when she comes home to find some half-naked girl she'll probably think I'm having an affair... with myself!

I better put on some clothes fast, and get out of here before they get home. But what am I supposed to wear? None of my big man-clothes will fit this little body. Suzie's taller than I am now, so her clothes wouldn't fit me either. Maybe I could wear something from Kaylie's closet? Her shirts and pants would be too small, but maybe one of her little dresses might stretch enough to fit me. God, I can't believe I'm seriously considering swiping a dress from my teenage daughter.

Oh no, I hear the car in the driveway! There's no time to get downstairs and sneak out the back door. I can't climb out the window, we're too high up. Maybe I could hide in the closet, or under the bed? No, if Suzie found me, then she'd really think I was having an affair.

I have to change back, right now! Come on, dude. Focus. Concentrate.

Please. Turn back into a man!



maybe the wife will be into it, or the one behind it :3


Part 2, the wife enters like: "Hello, beautiful." And is nonchalant or finds the hubby even hotter like this.


For this one I thought it was fun to leave the story vague beyond his moment of transformation. We don't know why he transformed, what he does next or how his wife will react. But yeah, in my mind he's stuck and either his wife likes him like this or he ends up with an orientation change and he's stuck dating boys.