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Nerd: Sigh. I'm so tired of being alone. I wish I could fall in love, get married and settle down.

There is a sparkly pink puff of a smoke and a weird old lady with a wand appears.

Wedding Fairy: And so you shall, my dear! I'm the wedding fairy, and I'm here to make your wish come true! Tonight you'll meet your true love and soon after you'll be happily wed!

Nerd: What, really?

Wedding Fairy: Indeed! As it happens, there's another lonely young man down the block who also just wished to be married. You'll be perfect for each other!

Nerd: Well, that's really... Wait, did you say, a man? I'm not into dudes!

Wedding Fairy: Don't worry about that, my dear. The moment you meet, my magic will make you both fall madly in love forever. 

Nerd: But... I don't...

The Wedding Fairy waves her wand and the Nerd becomes a beautiful girl in a white wedding dress.

Nerd: What the hell? Hang on, Wedding Fairy! I don't...

Wedding Fairy: Let's get going, my beauty! Your honeymoon awaits!



I love her bow