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You guys have helped me out more than you know.

My parents are older, my father is disabled and a few months ago my mother started having serious health problems that have had her in and out of the hospital. I'm an only child and lately I've had to put a lot of time and energy into helping my folks. It's been a full-time job, and if I was trying to work a regular day job on top of it I don't know how I would have even coped.

My Patreon has been a life saver. Doing the gifs is a great escape for me, and no matter how exhausted I am I can still find the energy to turn some hapless boy into a hot girl. The income I'm making from my Patreon and Amazon sales is paying the bills, and I am so, so grateful for that.

These new demands on my time have slowed down some of the projects I previously announced, like the Magic Bully game. I have all the gifs done for that and most of the story written, but I still have to find a good site that can host an interactive fiction game. When I can find the time I'm also still planning to launch an external site for gifs that are a little too extreme for Patreon, something password-protected that will be free to all my patrons.

That stuff is coming ASAP, but in the meantime I'll still be posting plenty of the kinky TF gifs you crave. I've got some stuff coming that'll peel your paint!



have you ever considered using twine and hosting that game you mentioned on TFgamessite?

Sex Wizard

Mindi is the best Gif artist on the internet!


Can you do gifs on Twine, and can you password protect it? I know I looked into TFgamessite but I don't recall what I thought. Getting my external site up will probably happen before the game. Maybe I'd even try to host the game on the site, but we'll have to see.


I know you put put gifs in twine but I'm not sure about password protecting them it may be possible if you have skills in css and java development since from the bit I know about twine you'd either host the gif/ image on a site or pull it directly from ya pc


Though to be honest this guy should probably explain this kinda thing better to you since it's a step by step guide https://www.adamhammond.com/twineguide/#imagesmusic


I personally tried to do it over itch.io, but it ended up being very complicated to integrate with Patreon. There was an option with an access key but you had to manually input everyone's email address... Ended up just going for a straight html file created with Twine that I shared on Patreon.


Best wishes for healing for your parents, and I’m glad this place is working out well for you.


My thoughts and best wishes for your parents. So glad to play a small part in making things a bit less hectic for you. Your work is amazing!