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Del was on his way to an important business meeting when the elevator stopped and a blonde came in wearing a clingy pink dress that showed off her curves just right. Del was running a few minutes late but he couldn't resist making a move on this chick.

"Hey, honey," he said. "Are you a good girl? Or do you wanna be bad?"

The blonde turned and gave him a funny little smile, gentle and amused.

"I like to be bad," she said. "But I think you're a good girl."

Del frowned, not getting it.

"Uh, no," he said. "I'm definitely not a girl..."

"Are you sure about that? Because you sure look a young, pretty girl to me. Barely out of school, so innocent to the ways of the world..."

Del felt strange twitches all over his body and soft hair tickled the back of his neck. His clothes seemed to droop on his frame and beneath his shirt he could feel straps crawling up his arms and slipping over his shoulders. He gasped as he felt a little click against his back, something clasping together between his shoulder blades. He sensed that he was suddenly wearing a bra, and when he looked down he saw two plump little bumps in his shirt. His bra had breasts in it!

He was now at eye level with the blonde, or a little below it. She still had that smile, like she was a teacher and he was a kid who'd just gotten the answer wrong in a funny way.

"No," she said. "I think you're more like a girl of... 16 or so. A budding beauty."

Del found himself looking up at her as long, chestnut brown hair dropped down and brushed the sides of his face. His bra went slack and then tightened against his shrinking curves. He held up his hands and they were unrecognizable; pale and delicate, with glossy pink nails. A girl's hands.

He told himself that he had to be hallucinating. This woman wasn't really changing his body with her words, that was impossible. She'd hypnotized him to make him think it was happening, or maybe he was just dreaming the whole thing. There was no way he'd actually become a teenage girl!

"No," the blonde said. "Actually, I think you're even younger than that. Maybe... 10. Or 9, at most. Yes, that's what you are. Just a precious little darling..."

Del dropped down, losing a foot of height in a moment. He was tiny now, wearing a jumper dress with a frilled collar and a plaid schoolgirl bow where his necktie had been. He clutched his briefcase to his chest but found that it had suddenly become a leather-bound book with the words ETIQUETTE FOR GIRLS printed on the cover.

There was a ding and the elevator doors opened, revealing a crowded lobby. The blonde leaned down so her face was inches from Del's. She smiled again, but now her blue eyes sparkled with a cruel delight.

"So, 'honey,'" she said. "Are you gonna run along... or do you wanna be five?"

Del yelped, scurrying out of the elevator and into a lobby full of men and women who towered over him like fairytale giants. As he ran past them he could feel his long hair bouncing behind him and there was cool air on his bare, twiggy legs. He'd nearly reached the street when he heard the blonde call out:

"Be a good little girl, now..."



Glad you like it! I had a really unpleasant thing on the Metamorphose board the other day where some shmoe singled out my AR content as "problematic" and "repulsive." (He also misgendered me, for extra fun.) I knew he was just being a troll dick but I was having a hellacious day and being singled out for weirdo abuse like that kind of messed me up. I hesitated to post this gif/story but I decided to go ahead anyhow, because damn the trolls! Given all that, it gives me extra warm feels to hear a nice comment from somebody who does such awesome work herself.


I’m a huge fan of TGAR so of course I love this one. My favorite is that she complied and ran off rather than be regressed even younger. I imagine she went on to class in a daze wondering what the hell she was going to do from here on out


I love it love to see what happens next


When I wrote it I wasn't sure what happens to Del from here. If I was going to write a sequel maybe it would turn out that Del was married, and he'd have to go home and try to explain to his wife why he'd transformed into a cute little girl. His wife would've already been fed up with his affairs, so now she'd be like, "That's it... if you're gonna be a kid, I'm enrolling you in school!"