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Leroy was filling the tank of his Harley when he noticed a cute Asian girl at the next pump fueling up a little pink moped. He sucked in his gut, walked over and gave her a leer.

"Hot damn," he said. "You sure are one tasty little fortune cookie. Wanna hear a joke?"

The girl rolled her eyes.

"If I said no, would it stop you?"

"It's a good one," Leroy said. "What do Oriental chicks and mopeds got in common?"

The girl finished pumping her gas, screwed her gas cap back on and strapped on her glossy pink helmet.

"I don't know," she said. "What do 'Oriental chicks' and mopeds have in common?"

"They may both be tiny, but a guy can still get a sweet ride out of them."

The girl stared at Leroy for a long moment, then she raised her hand close to his face and loudly snapped her fingers. Everything went blurry and Leroy felt himself dropping down as if a hole had just opened up in the asphalt beneath him. When his vision cleared he was at eye-level with the girl, and when he looked down he saw that he was wearing a sunshine yellow sundress and he had feminine curves and golden skin.

"What the hell?" he said. "What did you just do to me?"

But it came out all wrong. His voice was high and chirpy like a girl in a cartoon, and he didn't recognize the words: "Nantekotta i? Anata wa watashi ni nani o shimashita ka?"

The girl climbed on her moped and started it up, revving the engine.

"Happy riding," the girl said, "fortune cookie."

She sped off down the busy street. Leroy took a few stumbling steps after her in his high heels, but she was already disappearing into traffic. He spun around to hop on his Harley so he could go after the girl... but where his beloved hog was supposed to be there was now a little moped, painted sunshine yellow to match Leroy's dress.



I love this! Do you have to know the source? I would love to see more of the yellow sundress “fortune cookie” :D


I'm sorry, I don't know. It was an Asian-language commercial, and at the end the girl in the yellow dress turned into the chubby Asian guy we see for a second in the gif above. I reversed it and started with a white guy I created in Pixlr. I tried Googling "Sigma 6," the brand on the pump in the background, and that didn't bring up anything useful.