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Ed and Horace were on their way back to the office after lunch, taking a shortcut through the park, when they encountered a trio of sexy young women jumping rope together. One of the girls was jumping as the other two swung the rope and sang:

I see London, I see France, I see a pretty girl dance, dance, dance...

Horace laughed and shook his head.

"No, no, no," he said. "You little ladies have it all wrong! That's not how the song goes!"

The girls stopped playing and looked at him with sly, amused grins.

"Really?" one girl asked. "Gee, how does it go, Mister? Show us..."

The girl who had been jumping smiled and stepped aside, offering Horace her place. Ed and Horace exchanged a look.

"I'll do it," Horace said to Ed, "but if you ever tell anybody at the office, so help me..."

Ed laughed.

"No promises," he said. "But go on, show the girls how it's done."

Horace took his place, standing over the rope. He'd never jumped rope in school, that was girl stuff, but he remembered the funny song they used to sing.

"OK," he said. "Let's go, little ladies..."

The girls started swinging the rope and Horace started jumping. With each hop he could feel his beer gut and man-boobs bouncing and he knew he'd be out of breath in no time.

"I see London," he said, "I see France, I see a pretty girl's underpants..."

The girls cackled, their loud, raucous laughter making them sound older than they looked.

"Again," they all said. "Again! Again!"

"I see London," Horace repeated, still jumping, "I see France, I see a pretty girl's underpants... I see London, I see France, I see a pretty girl's underpants..."

Suddenly Horace's clothing fell away from his body, exposing his bare skin to the warm summer sun. He stumbled, nearly tripping in the tangle of his clothes, and as he righted himself he realized that his body felt all wrong. He was too light and too little, except for his round, heavy, womanly breasts. There was soft blond hair falling in his face, and when he looked down at himself he saw an unfamiliar and unmistakably female body. He was wearing nothing but a pair of frilly pink panties, and there was no hint of a bulge in the crotch.

The girls cackled again.

"You're right," one of them said. "That's how our song goes."

Horace reached down to grab his clothes, but found that there was only a little pink dress crumpled around his ankles. Even his clothes had changed, and if he wanted to cover himself now he'd have to dress like a girl.

Ed was watching all this with wide, terrified eyes. He looked like he wanted to run, but his feet seemed frozen to the spot. The girl who'd been jumping when they got there came up behind Ed now, smiled and gave him a little push forward.

"Your turn," she said. "Come on: I see London, I see France..."


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